Title: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 25, 2003, 07:48:28 am iv been thinking about slave shield you know
turn them off at the start of game star base commander hays finds info in the precursors computer the precursors computer may have info for shields and bam turn it off .earth is free so is the other races in there shield start colonys mining set up a star base build ships like zelnicks you still do the same stuff like in the other star control 2 its just an idea dont cry :'( Title: Re: idea Post by: Crowley on July 25, 2003, 08:39:48 am Well, the computer may have info on force fields, but chances are that the necessary technology to use the Precursor way of disabling the shield can't be found on the starbase.
Title: Re: idea Post by: Lukipela on July 25, 2003, 04:34:43 pm Also, it's an Ur-Quan forcefield and not a Precursor one, so they aren't necessarioly that alike. Ad if you bring down the shield, EarthGov is going to take over. It'd be a practical idea in a sequel though. At that point we know we can bring down shields, since the Chmmr do it, and exploring the galaxy we're bound to find many slaveshielded planets...
Title: Re: idea Post by: Omni-Sama on July 25, 2003, 09:19:27 pm Quote its just an idea dont cry :'( Awwww, now look what you made me do... you've got me crying again! :'( If only you hadn't posted your idea, I wouldn't be so delirious... ooooooohhh. :'( I was thinking your idea could be turned into a play... or an interpretive dance they could sell as the sequel. You'd better get working on it right away before I steal the idea! :P Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 26, 2003, 01:41:32 am you dont have to steal it its free ;D ::) oh omni you big bean ::) i get it now and earthgov thats what there there for thats why the earthlings pay tax for :o ::) Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 26, 2003, 03:51:44 am Yeah! we need a grant from EarthGov to make an interpretive dance of the elimination of the slave shield by the Vindicator shortly after its initial arrival at Earth!
Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 26, 2003, 04:39:54 am earthgov dose not dance
they start up there war machine again with the other races help Title: Re: idea Post by: Omni-Sama on July 26, 2003, 06:19:03 am I'm sure we could find someone in the earthgov who enjoys song and dance... you know, a connoisseur of fine arts. A man who enjoys West Side Story or Les Misérables. A man with substance and style...
... I think Captain Kirk has volunteered! Congratulations! Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 26, 2003, 07:27:54 am na i dont like west side story
or les mis come up with another movie your such a bean Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 26, 2003, 07:29:40 am Quote Also, it's an Ur-Quan forcefield and not a Precursor one, so they aren't necessarioly that alike. Ad if you bring down the shield, EarthGov is going to take over. It'd be a practical idea in a sequel though. At that point we know we can bring down shields, since the Chmmr do it, and exploring the galaxy we're bound to find many slaveshielded planets... the precursors are smart it might be in there computers. ways to make them ways to turn them off they might have wrote the book on shields and forcefields Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 26, 2003, 10:03:21 pm Quote na i dont like west side story or les mis come up with another movie your such a bean A human bean? Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 27, 2003, 02:31:30 am no a veg bean
Title: Re: idea Post by: Omni-Sama on July 27, 2003, 02:56:42 am Quote no a veg bean Haha, I'll take that as a copliment. I assume you meant to say a Supox bean, not a stinky old vegetable bean. Quote the precursors are smart it might be in there computers. ways to make them ways to turn them off they might have wrote the book on shields and forcefields The problem with this theory is that the Precursors came long before the Ur-Quan, so how could they know anything about disabling their forcefields? Face it, only the Chenjesu knew how to disable the forcefields... unfortunately, they're getting all cozy with their robot friends at the start, so you can't do much about that. Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 27, 2003, 07:29:34 am if someone in the future can put up something you cant take down
someone in the past can come up with a device to bring it down like the plarlim beam device it burn the shield away but becarefull you might burn the ozone lare away bring down all 3 shields and the chenjesu can stay chenjesu and the robots can stay robots Title: Re: idea Post by: Volka on July 27, 2003, 08:06:29 am Quote if someone in the future can put up something you cant take down someone in the past can come up with a device to bring it down ? You mean...time travel? Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 27, 2003, 08:25:56 am no by useing the precursors smarts
by useing there tech know how if you like time travel tell them to make a cross over with DOCTOR WHO staring tom baker Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 27, 2003, 09:30:03 pm Umm... my head hurts now.
Title: Re: idea Post by: captain_kirk on July 28, 2003, 03:28:49 am im still work on device idea
ill be back Title: Re: idea Post by: Sage on July 28, 2003, 04:52:47 pm While on the topic of slave shields, I must add something. Isn't it odd that a focused field of energy is somehow self-sustaining, and can presumably stay up and running for however long is required? How in the heck would one activate or maintain such a thing?
Title: Re: idea Post by: Chrispy on July 28, 2003, 09:36:55 pm they generate a lot of power
Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 28, 2003, 09:58:58 pm Power doesn't just come from nowhere though. If it were solar-powered then the Earth would be becoming a ball of ice, and that doesn't appear to be happening.
Title: Re: idea Post by: Chrispy on July 28, 2003, 11:30:31 pm no matter how much solar power u use, it wont effect the way the sun works.
Title: Re: idea Post by: Lukipela on July 29, 2003, 12:45:39 am I think what Death_999 was trying to point out was that a solarpowered shield would effectively prevent the sunlight from reaching Earth, thus cooling it down and creating a new Ice Age. Without the cute chipmunk.
Has any of you considered that there may be a cleverly hidden generator somwhere? Hiden on the Space station, or inside the moon, or wherever. When the Quan supply ship arrives, they probably look it over and reload it if that's necessary. Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 29, 2003, 01:17:17 am Vela was slave-shielded without an apparent space station present.
(your guess as to what I meant was correct) Title: Re: idea Post by: Lukipela on July 29, 2003, 01:22:23 am Might be hidden on the next planet... Or invisible. Or slightly out of phase with our reality. Or there's a huge generator at the core of the Quan sphere of influence somewhere, that sends out allpowerufl energy rays to every single slave shield out there.. Or something completely different. Or maybe it's coded into the enrgy structure of the shield itself? Or maybe there's a "bubble" in the shield somewhere, containing the generator equipment. the only way to get at it is to shut down a part of the shield, so noone else can touch it.
The alternatives are legio. Just pick one. Title: Re: idea Post by: Culture20 on July 29, 2003, 02:19:27 am Someone on either this board or on timewarp's board suggested the shield was dual-layered: One outer shield, a layer in which solar-powered shield generators resided (similar to the Sa-Matra's but more powerful), and an inner shield to protect the generators on the inside. Presumably, the Spathi's shield would not have the inner layer (unless they were afraid someone inside might turn it off).
Title: Re: idea Post by: Chrispy on July 29, 2003, 04:05:06 am if they put a solar shield no directly between the earth and the sun no ice age would happen.
of they could just put generators on earth itselfe. Title: Re: idea Post by: Sage on July 29, 2003, 09:35:55 am Generators on Earth would mean that someone would've found it eventually. Of course with Zelnick galavanting about and the Kohr-Ah preparing for thier Great Cleansing of this sector the likelyhood the Earthlings finding it before being destroyed or freed would be incredibly low to not at all.
As stated before, Vela and Spathiwa both pretty much invalidate the possibility that a slaveshield generator would be on a Starbase. If such a generator did exist and Zelnick were not to have aided the Earth Starbase in time, the generator would potentially have failed and knocked down the slave shield in the process. But I digress. Perhaps a slave shield is just a highly charged part of an atmosphere (some layer of an atmosphere that all live-bearing worlds have in common) and the Ur-Quan have some sort of energy-shielding around thier ships so that they can penetrate the shield during thier regular maintenence. Title: Re: idea Post by: Sage on July 29, 2003, 04:38:08 pm HAR. HAR. HAR.
Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 29, 2003, 07:37:02 pm Quote if they put a solar shield no directly between the earth and the sun no ice age would happen. I was responding to the idea that the shield itself was the solar collector. Since the shield lies directly between the earth and the sun... ta-da! Certainly, if there WERE ordinary solar collectors then it would not be too hard to, say, BLOW THEM UP... Title: Re: idea Post by: Chrispy on July 29, 2003, 07:45:59 pm yep. But since u cant find one, i might be inside the forcefield, and being guarded so the humans cant get to it.
or maybe the creators never considered where the power suply was. Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 29, 2003, 11:23:53 pm Quote yep. But since u cant find one, i might be inside the forcefield, and being guarded so the humans cant get to it. Why can't we see it? It would have to be visible (considering that it absorbs light). Quote or maybe the creators never considered where the power suply was. One possibility. Alternately, it could drain energy from hyperspace (which is what gives it that red tint) Title: Re: idea Post by: Chrispy on July 30, 2003, 12:33:39 am maybe. but if the power plant was on earth, then it wouldnt be included in the graphics.
Title: Re: idea Post by: Culture20 on July 30, 2003, 01:33:09 am Quote Alternately, it could drain energy from hyperspace (which is what gives it that red tint) Except that Hyperspace portals are easier to open when they are further away from massive bodies (outside a solar system). Maybe the initial pulse to start the shield takes a huge amount of energy (the real reason why the Ur-Quan was still orbiting Vela), but the Hyper-tidal forces keep the shield resonating in what appears to be a perpetual system. All the Chmmr would have to do would be to apply either a sufficient mass to alter the tidal forces, or enough hyperspacial interferance... Gosh, I feel like a science officer on Star Trek. :) Title: Re: idea Post by: Ivan Ivanov on July 30, 2003, 02:54:57 am Quote Alternately, it could drain energy from hyperspace (which is what gives it that red tint) Oh come on. Not everything that is red comes from hyperspace. Or maybe I'm wrong... hell I'm gonna fill my car's gas tank with ketchup and give it a try. With a little bit of luck maybe I'll even reach Syra.... Title: Re: idea Post by: Death 999 on July 30, 2003, 07:36:36 pm Quote Oh come on. Not everything that is red comes from hyperspace. Or maybe I'm wrong... hell I'm gonna fill my car's gas tank with ketchup and give it a try. With a little bit of luck maybe I'll even reach Syra.... ... which is currently turning into a magma world. I was just tossing out an idea. Hence my use of the subjunctive mood. As for the not-in-solar-systems, I like Culture 20's explanation -- perhaps hyperspace is chopped into discontinuous little bits in the presence of much curvature of space (i.e. near heavy objects)... which makes it useless for transportation, but excellent for a shield. Title: Re: idea Post by: Culture20 on July 31, 2003, 01:36:21 am Since we're stuck on slave shields for the moment; Do you think the probe and the shield generators on the Sa-Matra were shielded with the same stuff? If so, maybe they don't use hyper-tidal forces for energy...