The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Deep-Jiffa on July 26, 2003, 07:44:38 am

Title: Question....
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on July 26, 2003, 07:44:38 am
Which ship you think can beat all other ships without being destroyed?(not including your flagshing)

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: garbil on July 26, 2003, 02:31:25 pm
The Utwig ship.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Paxtez on July 26, 2003, 06:15:27 pm
I would say the Kohr-Ah would have an edge on the utwig (just on over all domination)
Utwig loses or has a hard time with Chenjesu, Orz, Ur-Quan, Melnorme, Mmrnmrnm, or Androsynth.

Whereas the Korh-Ah only has real trouble with the Utwig.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on July 26, 2003, 06:53:48 pm
Well personaly i think the Thradashh can beat all.

Most of the ships chases you and you can easily kill them. Some are trouble like spathi, syreen, mycon and the chenjesu, but thats all. Thradashh rulz!!!

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Nic. on July 26, 2003, 09:43:05 pm
  • Utwig:  defeated quite effortlessly by the Chenjesu, or any ship that can sucker them into draining their batteries
  • Kohr-Ah:  bitch-slapped by the Spathi, Utwig, Androsynth and Supox (in the right hands)
  • Thraddash:  stomped by the Earthling Cruiser and Arilou Skiff
  • Pkunk:  just try to beat an Ilwrath Avenger with one.  I dare you.  I double-dare you.

My point being, there is no one über-powerful ship, each has its own strengths and weaknesses.  Some are more "balanced" than others, but if you intend on playing the game well, you would be well-advised to practise with more than one.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on July 26, 2003, 11:31:03 pm
Well you are right. But the Thradassh can't be defeated by the earthling and the arilou, it will be a draw(in the right hands ofcourse). I can't think about other unbeatable ship other than the thradashh.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Omni-Sama on July 27, 2003, 02:32:43 am
I would say the Chmmr Avatar for obvious reasons... then again, there are obvious reasons against that choice.  There's the Marauder, which likes to munch on my zapsats.  The Jugger is always a nuissance, and a Dreadnought always poses a pretty serious threat.  Still, it's the best killing machine, especially when economically trying to annihilate a bunch of smaller opponents.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Paxtez on July 27, 2003, 05:32:19 am
Those thraddash tactics wouldn't work on a human player.  You think if I'm in a korh-ah I'm going to go chasing you down?  I'll just sit still and just fire blades at you all day.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on July 27, 2003, 03:26:07 pm
Yes, but then it will be a long battle... And you will fall asleep before I will, I am sure in 100% 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Death 999 on July 27, 2003, 09:31:28 pm
Why don't you see how well you stay awake, Gilgamesh?

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: guesst on July 27, 2003, 09:38:01 pm
I think every one of these tactics questions falls need to be specified "human vs human" or "human vs computer" or "computer vs computer". To fail to do so is to muck up the thread with the same banter about, "that only applies if..."

To be short:
Human vs human - no real winner here. If any one ship were that powerful the game'd be unplayable. However, a chmmr does tend to wipe up more than it's share of the enemy's fleet.

human vs computer - Too many to list. Yes, the thradash is probably the easiest choice, however in game, who can argue the sheer power of the great melee warior Fwiffo!

computer vs computer - Again, the Chmmr tends to do alot of damage to the enemy fleet. Also the Kohr-ah does a not-too-bad job either. However, never underestamate the facility for the AI to play like an idiot.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Sage on July 28, 2003, 05:04:06 pm
Battle Master Fwiffo is great vs. almost anything if you pick your engagements well. Often at the beginning of the game I'll swing by Vela and pick off the Dreadnaught there for the spare RU it provides.

There is no best ship overall. Any of the six meanest can take on any of the other ships, but of course there are the weaknesses to take into account.

However I tend to avoid using Shofixti ships (lack of patience on my part) unless I want to use the Glory Device and nothing more, or the Supox because I can never get a good handle on the reverse flight without getting creamed.

Title: Re: Question....
Post by: Chrispy on July 28, 2003, 09:15:01 pm
There is no ship that can beat all the ships, but a lot of them are close like the Spath, thraddash, and utwig. I once beat a full fleat in the chensesu, but that was against the comp.
The kohr-ahs pretty good too, but agaisnt a human its not invincible.