Title: Godlike entity Post by: Yehat_Sympathizer on July 27, 2003, 06:21:21 pm I've read the coversations with Paul Reiche, and he mentioned
that originally the rainbow worlds were supposed to point to an Alien encounter with a God like entity (namely himself and Fred Ford). Are you planning to add that as well? Title: Re: Godlike entity Post by: meep-eep on July 28, 2003, 03:34:31 am Such a thing would really have to be designed by Fred and Paul themselves. If they would want to do that, I would be prepared to personally implement it. I suspect the other core team members will feel the same way. But I don't see this happening really. Paul and Fred have got other projects nowadays. Nevertheless, I'm was planning to send them a note one of these days anyhow, and I'll make sure to mention it.
Fred has been known to read these boards (at least the general discussion), and even reply, so you could try making a note there with subject "ATTN Fred: Groombridge dialog", and as contents as much groveling as the English language allows. Others will join in. Who knows, maybe they're susceptible to an in-canon groveling session. (Btw, Paul's last name is "Reiche", not "Rieche") Title: Re: Godlike entity Post by: Yehat_Sympathizer on August 01, 2003, 03:08:28 pm Did what you suggested in the forum. Replies are a bit slow. Any ideas how to speed it up a bit?
Title: Re: Godlike entity Post by: meep-eep on August 01, 2003, 09:17:34 pm Just make the thread more appealing to people. Working on it :)
Title: Re: Godlike entity Post by: Yehat_Sympathizer on August 02, 2003, 01:18:11 pm Still not enough replies. Maybe the thread's title is unattractive? I can add (SC2: director's cut) in the title, can't I?
More aggressive marketing, maybe. Any ideas? cool groveling. I'll try to measure up... :) Title: Re: Godlike entity Post by: meep-eep on August 02, 2003, 08:20:02 pm Just give it some time. As long as something is said in the thread now and then, it will stay high in the list of subjects and people will keep noticing it and maybe add their own comments.