The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: bob wilson on August 10, 2003, 01:17:11 am

Title: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: bob wilson on August 10, 2003, 01:17:11 am
I need to know where the probes are coming from so I can eliminate them. The only problem is I haven't the slightest clue on where they are. I would actually prefer to know how I can find out where they are (ie. go talk to someone) rather than someone just giving me the coordinates. But I'm so desperate right now, I don't care.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Orz Brain on August 10, 2003, 01:23:58 am
One of the stars at the top left corner of the map. You have to go to one of the planets but it's not an ordinary planet. It's a type of planet that never has any minerals on it. It's a type of planet that you can't even land on becaus it has no solid ground.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Culture20 on August 10, 2003, 01:31:40 am
The Melnorme know where they come from, and the Probes themselves tell you (via a different coordinate system).

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Volka on August 10, 2003, 02:06:47 am
The Thraddash give you a clue too,they don't tell you the exact location of the star,instead,they tell you the direction where the probes are coming through,poke in that direction and you'll find what you are looking for.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: frumple on August 10, 2003, 06:42:09 am
If you have your portal spawner, one of the dots on the QSpace starmap will drop you into hyperspace VERY close to the probes' origin point.

It's not in the midst of any other race's territory... and keep in mind it's a world with no surface, as the Arilou tell you.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Precursors=Yeti on August 10, 2003, 08:40:59 am
I usually just let the probes reproduce, they provide ALOT of resources, and they are easy to kill.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: guesst on August 10, 2003, 09:41:13 pm
I'd be interested to know you're probe kiling technique. I use Fwiffo and the fight takes a long time because first you have to get them to follow you the right distance behind you, and even then it's no guarentee that they'll stay there while you BUTT them to death.

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from
Post by: P1MP on August 10, 2003, 10:21:06 pm
look for planets with no surface(gas giants) -- as the arilou hint ya

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Precursors=Yeti on August 11, 2003, 12:18:11 am
I'd be interested to know you're probe kiling technique. I use Fwiffo and the fight takes a long time because first you have to get them to follow you the right distance behind you, and even then it's no guarentee that they'll stay there while you BUTT them to death.

I use Vindicator, once you get good turning rate all you have to do is not move, and face their direction, once they come in range, blast the hell out of em'. I got all resource units from these guys ;).

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Chrispy on August 11, 2003, 05:00:06 am
i found something with the vindicator. If u use ion bolt cannons instead of hellboar cannons than u can get a nice rapid fire rate

Title: Re: please help: Where are the probes coming from?
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on August 11, 2003, 05:25:47 am
Your tactic with Fwiffo isn't good. You need to move in slalom then you will hit in 80%.