The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: v0id on August 16, 2003, 06:42:50 pm

Title: HELP wanted with moonbase (windows version, 0.2)
Post by: v0id on August 16, 2003, 06:42:50 pm
I have found it impossible to continue playing after searching the energy source at the moon base, due to not being able to continue the message feed. I have tried reassigning the keys, but it was of no use.

Is it a bug in the game system (unfinished single player / "story mode"?) or is there just something I should do to make it work?


Title: Re: HELP wanted with moonbase (windows version, 0.
Post by: v0id on August 16, 2003, 07:13:37 pm
Ah, solved the problem after slight digging through the posts. It was about renaming the ship / captain.

Title: Re: HELP wanted with moonbase (windows version, 0.
Post by: PakoPako on August 18, 2003, 01:57:53 pm
Renaming ship/captain?

I know that on occassion, the keyboard and/or controller (when attached) just won't respond after a lander bumps into an "Energy Signature" on the surface.

I can't hit any key to speed up the rate of display or to show more text. But the f!, F10 & F12 keys still work, and reloading a previous save and trying again bypasses this issue.

Are you saying there is a "permenant" solution?


Title: Re: HELP wanted with moonbase (windows version, 0.
Post by: Novus on August 18, 2003, 04:02:48 pm
I know that on occassion, the keyboard and/or controller (when attached) just won't respond after a lander bumps into an "Energy Signature" on the surface.
Are you saying there is a "permenant" solution?
This problem was fixed properly long ago. However, the "official" release has not been updated since February, so you'll have to use an unofficial release. I usually just update from CVS and recompile, but for most people Striker's precompiled binaries are probably a better solution.

Title: Re: HELP wanted with moonbase (windows version, 0.
Post by: v0id on August 19, 2003, 01:11:27 am
And for us uncapable of (read: too lazy to) compile anything, just saving _after_ renaming the ship / captain, quitting and then loading from the saved game virtually fixes the problem, for the time being. I perhaps just could dig up the other thread where this problem was covered...

There it is:;action=display;num=1059165339