Title: Savegames - Verson to Version Post by: IronSulfide on December 03, 2002, 12:12:20 pm I have been soooo excited so far, and have played for 20+ hours. I would like for the makers / moderators to let us know if current savegames will be usable with later versions?
Based on the TODO list, it sounds like savegames will alter in format. -IronSulfide Title: Re: Savegames - Verson to Version Post by: Zeroarmy on December 03, 2002, 02:14:29 pm There was a thread about this awhile back. The mod who replyied said that you can keep saved files from version to version for a little while, but at some point they will change it so that it will not be possible. It shouldn't be a big deal though. By the time the next version comes out you should be finished (you can't finish the final battle) with the game several times over. So, even if they always let you keep saved files, you'd want to start a new game anyway.