Title: Finding ship images in source Post by: Dave Morse on October 09, 2003, 06:50:03 pm I'm looking to make an icon set of star control ships. One technique is to selectively use screen captures. However, a simpler approach might be to dig through the sources for the raw data. Any tips on where to find that data? I found, e.g. chenjesu.res, which mentions some things that /look/ like icon filenames, but that aren't actually in the uqm package. Where are they hiding?
Title: Re: Finding ship images in source Post by: Parker on October 09, 2003, 07:21:15 pm They are png files in the content zip.
Title: Re: Finding ship images in source Post by: chmmravatar on October 10, 2003, 04:24:56 pm More specifically, from the content root, there are folders for each race. In each of those folders is all the PNGs associated with them. For instance, in the androsyn directory there's a andicons.1.png that's probably something like you're looking for.