Title: Cool neat effects! With Radeon 9700 PRO/Cata 3.8 Post by: Krogoth255 on October 10, 2003, 07:55:48 am I just recently upgraded to the Catayst 3.8 drivers from my Radeon 9700 PRO. The drivers feature a neat feature for OpenGL/Direct3D called Smartshader which allows you to add a shader effect in any app using OpenGL/Direct3D. For UQM you can config it to render it using green or white ASCII and option called classic. Which colors look like early 30s-40s film giving SC2 a classic feeling. BTW where the screenshots are saved for UQM?
Title: Re: Cool neat effects! With Radeon 9700 PRO/Cata 3 Post by: Mark Vera on October 10, 2003, 01:53:53 pm I don't think uqm has internal screenshot stuff? You need to use other programs to make the screenshots. Though nice idea to have print screen to save screenshots eg. as png automatically.
Title: Re: Cool neat effects! With Radeon 9700 PRO/Cata 3 Post by: Michael Martin on October 11, 2003, 03:04:14 am Windows and X both support screen capture at the window manager level.
It's either Shift-PrintScreen or Alt-PrintScreen to get the screen capture of the current window; you can then paste it into a paint program in Windows. Under GNOME Alt-Printscreen will screencap and pop up a dialog box asking where you want your PNG. I'm rather fond of it :) Title: Re: Cool neat effects! With Radeon 9700 PRO/Cata 3 Post by: Mark Vera on October 11, 2003, 02:26:41 pm Quote Windows and X both support screen capture at the window manager level. Yeah. But I assume he was looking for automated png saving like most games today have. You press printscreen while playing it, and it will save screenshots into some folder automatically. |