The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Jimmy C on December 03, 2002, 06:44:32 pm

Title: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Jimmy C on December 03, 2002, 06:44:32 pm
Does anyone here know how to restore a Pkunk Fury after it is destroyed in battle?
I'm glad to see that little secret is still in the game, I managed to restore one five times before finally losing it.

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: happy6901 on December 03, 2002, 07:21:08 pm
I think its just random from what I read baout the PC and 3DO versions.  I mean if you could just make one come back all the time the batles would be too easy

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: lini on December 03, 2002, 09:28:12 pm
The game is open-source so its not a secret anymore... it's just a matter looking at the source and finding the formula ;D
it may take a couple of hours though

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Uffo on December 03, 2002, 09:40:16 pm
This was answered in another thread, which may have been eaten when the board went south.  The answer is, Pkunk resurrection is 50/50...

... or so they say.  I still hold out with the other guys who said it was entirely based on recharging your batteries while dying.  And the size of the blast that kills you.  And if it's a Tuesday in game time.  And the phase of the moon, solar magnetic radiation flux, mother's maiden name, and several other factors so secret you'd need to pay the Melnorme giga-Credits to find out.

You know, sorta like whether or not blowing on a NES cart makes it work.  The algorithm is totally NP-incomplete.  Trust me.  :)

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Garthor on December 04, 2002, 05:33:39 am
The big secret they don't want you to know!

The restoration is based on the system clock!

Of course, then again, all random computer operations are.  But if you can trick your computer clock into resetting right before the randomization call, then you're all set!

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Musourenka on December 04, 2002, 05:41:55 am
Pkunks must be half-Phoenix.

I was thinking that it was a 50/50 chance or so.  Helps greatly, since Furies take hits like a little girl.  What is the most anyone has had a Fury resurrect itself?  I've only got it twice in a row.

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Shivam on December 04, 2002, 06:51:52 am
once, on a really lucky day, 7 times =)

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Zeroarmy on December 04, 2002, 07:00:45 am
heh. I love the Pkunk. If you're far away from home and are almost out of crew, on your flagship, take all crew away from your Pkunk ship and save. Then find someone to fight. Make the Pkunk die and if i restores itself escape from battle, if not close SCII and try again. Then you have yourself 7 new crew members.  ;D I used to do that all the time before I figured out which quasi-space portal led back to Sol.

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: destp on December 04, 2002, 07:20:42 am
Best resurection streak I've gotten is 12 in a row today, with my first fury of the game.  'Course, the next two didn't get any :(

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Kelju_Ivan on December 04, 2002, 07:05:52 pm
My record is 11. Damn that was funny. *)

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Dutch on December 04, 2002, 09:42:59 pm

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Teric on December 05, 2002, 02:35:51 am
The most resurrections I've seen is 14.  It was REALLY funny for my friend who was playing in hyper-melee against me at the time-- he nearly wiped out my entire battle fleet with one Fury.  It was very frustrating for me, however.  :-[

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 04, 2003, 01:04:31 am
I still hold out with the other guys who said it was entirely based on recharging your batteries while dying.  And the size of the blast that kills you.  And if it's a Tuesday in game time.  And the phase of the moon, solar magnetic radiation flux, mother's maiden name, and several other factors so secret you'd need to pay the Melnorme giga-Credits to find out.

You know, sorta like whether or not blowing on a NES cart makes it work.  The algorithm is totally NP-incomplete.  Trust me.  :)

Found another one: screaming out "Hallelujah" at the moment of death.

And blowing on a NES cartridge definitely helps; the effectiveness of using the actual cleaners they sold you for it on the other hand is completely obscure.

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: RockasaurusRex2000 on April 04, 2003, 06:29:06 am

And blowing on a NES cartridge definitely helps.

I agree, works like a charm  ;)

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Shiver on April 04, 2003, 06:52:30 am
I always continue to hold down the keys I was touching right when I died. Seems to help.

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Matt on April 04, 2003, 07:41:18 am
Another neat thing (assuming I'm interpreting the source correctly; I may not be, as I only took a quick glance at it a while back): Whether or not it ressurects is determined when it is created, not when it dies. So, the Pkunk have a destiny, to some extent. Seems somewhat approprate :)

Title: Re: Pkunk Fury restoration
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 04, 2003, 11:20:41 pm
Well, the Pkunk I always use in combat seem to have a common destiny: Never ressurecting.

I always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to that sorta thing... lol.   :(

Actually, my greatest theory was that the harder the foe the Fury is facing, the more likely it will ressurect.  This trend seems to match in most battles I play, so I dunno if that's hidden in the code or not.