Title: Keybindings etc. Post by: Viola_Guy on December 04, 2002, 06:28:33 am I was wondering if there was an easy (or even a not so easy) way to change the keybindings for the game. I t plays great, but for some reason any of _Enter_, _shift_ and _num 8_ seems to invalidate the others on my crappy keyboard. That aside, the game is much fun and I appreciate the work that has into it. Thank you.
(PS: email is spam protected, remove caps to reply). Title: Re: Keybindings etc. Post by: mathieu on December 04, 2002, 07:16:14 am this solution would be not so simple...
i don't think the game supports it yet. you might try changing the keys at the operating system level. I know in in linux and probably bsd, in xfree86, you can use the xmodmap command to remap your keyboard. I'm not sure about windows though.. mathieu Title: Re: Keybindings etc. Post by: Viola_Guy on December 04, 2002, 07:39:16 am I thought as much. Sadly, I am doomed to use win XP. Any suggestion at all would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Keybindings etc. Post by: umgod on December 04, 2002, 11:47:02 am If you compile the game from CVS you can alter the source code before compilation to give you a different key binding. I think the relevant source file is 'setup.c'. Not a very easy solution, but if you can code a little it's not too hard to figure out. The last time I compiled there was actually another block of code (it was commented out) that contained an alternative key binding.
Title: Re: Keybindings etc. Post by: Triexis on December 05, 2002, 10:35:47 pm I also had this same problem, as I play on a laptop with no numberpad + key at all, so I was totally unable to escape from combat once entered. This proved naturally to be quite the problem when faced with having to run from the Shofixti and the Mycon homeworld. I eventually came across a simple program that allows you to change what characters you want your keyboard keys to actually mean. I bound the numberpad + key to the right alt key, and it worked out just fine.
The URL to this program is: http://www.dev-labs.com/kr/ So might be a good temporary solution until a way to change key bindings for the game itself is introduced. |