Title: Boy this game crashes a lot.... Post by: Dorkas on December 04, 2002, 07:11:43 am ... but bless everyone involved for bringing back a fantastic port of my favourite PC game of all time. Runs better than a lot of commercial game releases nowadays, it's still being worked on, and it's free.
Profound thanks for all your hard work. Oh, and apologies for the tongue-in-cheek flamebait-esque topic. :P Title: Re: Boy this game crashes a lot.... Post by: Shivam on December 04, 2002, 07:24:02 am its not really a game yet. more like a preproduction buggy program.
it aint suppposed to work right. patience =) Title: Re: Boy this game crashes a lot.... Post by: Herlock on December 04, 2002, 10:09:46 pm On a Debian installation:
I noticed that the games runs much better when launched from a shortcut in KDE3.0 than simply running ./uqm Can there be a problem with text output overflowing in a console??? |