The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Nic. on January 15, 2004, 09:07:32 pm

Title: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Nic. on January 15, 2004, 09:07:32 pm
I had the distinct pleasure of playing around on a Panther box last night, and my curiosity was naturally picqued as to whether or not UQM would run properly on it.  The good news is that it does indeed work (and quite well on a G4 CPU, I might add) but the bad news is that the "quit" and "abort" keys conflict with Exposé, a new window management feature on OSX.3

As I have historically had zero compunction about changing the default settings for the Mac version prior to release (and writing down the differences) but I figure that this time, before I do, I'd ask for input from other Mac users as to where they the keys should live now that Exposé has laid claim to them.


Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Death 999 on January 16, 2004, 01:16:04 am
What about control-F11 and control-F10? This has the happy side-effect of making it harder to hit accidentally.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Rib Rdb on January 16, 2004, 04:54:01 am
ctrl + something sounds good, since most of the fkeys already have uses on laptops.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Nic. on January 16, 2004, 05:24:10 am
Casual viewing of the code by non-experts such as myself seems to indicate that only single keypresses can be mapped to actions; so keypress combos are (at this time, anyhow) off the table.

The authours of said code are more than welcome to set the record straight on this perception.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Michael Martin on January 16, 2004, 09:49:29 am
Your perception is correct.  VControl understands "OR", but not "AND".

However, for the specific case of "Abort", you can just close the window, and whatever key combination does that will work as well as F12.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Death 999 on January 16, 2004, 06:53:09 pm
You could set the quit key to be the backspace key (sometimes marked as delete). That's pretty out of the way from any other key we'd be using, and it kind of makes sense. More than F10, at any rate.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Chris Pickett on January 24, 2004, 10:52:52 am
see death999's post ...

i think the default in panther is to have command-f10 and command-f11 actually get you f10 and f11.  *edit*  but maybe it's control-f10 and control-f11, like he said.

so you don't have to worry about it.  you might want to make a note about it somewhere for mac users who aren't used to applications that require f10 and f11.

Title: Re: Mac Users:  Keeping UQM out of OSX's way
Post by: Rib Rdb on January 24, 2004, 12:18:45 pm
indeed ctrl+f10 does work. expose wasn't using my f11 key (i don't know if i did that or if it was that way by default).