Title: Will this game be a port only? Post by: midi_amp on February 03, 2004, 10:25:16 am I'm not far into the game but untill now 0.3 is stable enough for me. Before I finish the game, just wanting to know if Ur-Quan Masters will be a perfect direct port only, or will there be enhancement?
The game as is, is perfect, I even bought a 3DO back then just because of this game (and gex of course ;) ). But there are some little annoyance that I wish would go away or be included. Some things like auto go to also include auto go to planet, not just star systems. Battle royal kind of engagement, so battle can be resolved in one take... I kind of always like massive battle. Mouse support... a long shot but it can be done... maybe... well anyway, UQM is shaping up to be a perfect copy of my memories gone by. Title: Re: Will this game be a port only? Post by: AnonomouSpathi on February 03, 2004, 11:29:02 am As it stands, the focus for UQM is a straight up perfect port. After that is achieved, there is a possibility of new additions, though that's far off, and isn't the main focus. The guys working on this project have plenty of their plate, and they want to get a perfect port before they worry about any fancy additions.
I'll also warn you not to suggest anything to be added unless you're offering to code it yourself. Some of the locals show a distinctive "Kill the interloper, rip out it's life!!" response when people do that. Title: Re: Will this game be a port only? Post by: midi_amp on February 03, 2004, 11:40:47 am :) well said... thanks for the warning... off to report some bugs
Title: Re: Will this game be a port only? Post by: Death 999 on February 03, 2004, 07:01:34 pm Well, this is OK:
"Hey, if we're looking for future enhancements, I think the most important would be X, Y, and Z, in that order." not this: "Hey! you needt o ad X Y and Z itd r0xx0r" In between fall shades of gray. Title: Re: Will this game be a port only? Post by: Michael Martin on February 04, 2004, 01:11:46 am We have a few goals that are more than just "it runs like the original on modern machines." We have two, slightly contradictory goals: