Title: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 08, 2004, 07:47:14 pm Check this perfect code which doesn't work, as always:
<html dir='rtl'> <head> <title>הכנס פרטים בדף זה</title> <script language="javascript"> <!-- function FormCheck(FirstName, FamilyName, EmailAddress, FPassword, Passconfirm) { if (isNaN(FirstName) == false ) {alert("השם הפרטי אינו תקין, אנא הכנס את השם מחדש") ;} if (isNaN(FamilyName) == false ) {alert("שם המשפחה אינו תקין, אנא הכנס את שם המשפחה מחדש") ;} if (EmailAddress.indexOf("@") == -1 ) {alert("שכחת את השטרודל יקירי!") ;} If (FPassword.length < 6) {alert("הססמה חייבת להיות לפחות 6 תווים!") ;} if (Passconfirm != FPassword) {alert("השדות של הססמה אינם תואמים!") ;} } //--> </script> </head> <body> <basefont face='arial' color='black'/> <form name='form' action='mailto:groz_f@hotmail.com' method='post'> <table align='center' border='0' width='70%' <tr> <td> <u><font size='+2' face='arial'><center> הכנס את פרטיך כאן: </center></font></u> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size='-1'> - שדות המסומנים ב-* הם שדות חובה </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> *שם פרטי: <input type='text' id='Fname' size='18' maxlength='10'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> *שם משפחה: <input type='text' id='Familyname' size='18' maxlength='14'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> *דואר אלקטרוני: <input type='text' id='email' size='18' maxlength='17'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> *סיסמה: <input type='password' id='pass' size='18' maxlength='17'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> *חזור על הסיסמה: <input type='password' id='Rpass' size='18' maxlength='17'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ברצוני לקבל אימייל כאשר מוכנס מילות לשירים חדשים: <input type='checkbox' id='c1' checked='checked'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ברצוני לקבל אימייל כאשר מוכנס מידע על הלהקה: <input type='checkbox' id='c2' checked='checked'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ברצוני לקבל אימייל כאשר מוכנס מידע על האלבומים של הלהקה: <input type='checkbox' id='c3' checked='checked'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ברצוני לקבל אימייל כאשר מוכנסת תמונה חדשה של הלהקה: <input type='checkbox' id='c4' checked='checked'/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> איך היית מדרג את האתר בכלליות? <select id='s1' /> <option value='1'>מעולה</option> <option value='2' selected='selected'>טוב</option> <option value='3'>סביר</option> <option value='4'>גרוע</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> איך היית מדרג את העיצוב של האתר? <select id='s2' /> <option value='1'>מעולה</option> <option value='2' selected='selected'>טוב</option> <option value='3'>סביר</option> <option value='4'>גרוע</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> איך היית מדרג את תוכן האתר? <select id='s3' /> <option value='1'>מעולה</option> <option value='2' selected='selected'>טוב</option> <option value='3'>סביר</option> <option value='4'>גרוע</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <hr/> הערות:<br/><textarea id='notes' cols='60' rows='4'>הקלד את הערותיך כאן!</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type='reset' value='נקה טופס'/><input type='submit' onclick="FormCheck(Fname.value, Familyname.value, email.value, pass.value, Rpass.value ) ;" value='שלח\י'/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> My teacher looked up in the code and said nothing is wrong, again. But still it isn't working. Anyone here got an idea why? note: If the hebrew annoys you, I will remove it ( all hebrew are non-important in this page...) Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 12:13:37 am Maybe it is a compiling program in your CPU??
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 09, 2004, 12:14:51 am Quote Maybe it is a compiling program in your CPU?? Huh.. All wrote in notepad. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 12:17:20 am hhmmm....
Try to get someone else to write the same code on your CPU. If it works you know it is you. If it does not - then your CPU is a hater of all humans! - (The the code looks perfectly fine to me) Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 09, 2004, 01:33:22 am I gave the exact file to my friend.... What do you know? It is working!
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Chrispy on February 09, 2004, 02:59:47 am Maybe your computor hates you ::)
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 05:13:24 am Try using your fiends computer. If that does not work then you know that your CPU hates you so much that it ?boycotted? you!
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Culture20 on February 09, 2004, 09:11:33 am I noticed it's using javascript; were you using the same browser on both computers? javascript works differently in IE and mozilla/netscape. IE tends to auto-fix errors (or sometimes what it mistakenly _thinks_ are errors).
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 06:26:28 pm Go to your friends House and check his/her settings. Good idea Culture20!
EDIT: Yay - I am Smell Controller! Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 09, 2004, 08:12:52 pm Quote Go to your friends House and check his/her settings. Good idea Culture20! EDIT: Yay - I am Smell Controller! For the original part, I put a new code... Which someone else wrote. :-/ For the second part: It should be *Spam* controller. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 08:43:07 pm My Gosh DJ - Please, you don't need to flame me! -Sure I "pushed" to get a extra 4 posts to get smell controller. I am sure many here did the same. You don't flame everone you come across that spams for 4 post. Unless you want me to go back and look at your posts.
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Lukipela on February 09, 2004, 09:32:27 pm Now this is a pillowworthy thread if there ever was one. Alright DJ, Falcon, here's a pillow each. Then you can hit eachother and both quabble about who spams the most.
(As a side note, it seems I very seldomly see posts by anyone but the two of you these days, what does this tell us?) ;) (Oh, and me of course. But all my posts are worty, on topic and dignified. (Especially This one)) Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 09, 2004, 09:42:03 pm Quote (As a side note, it seems I very seldomly see posts by anyone but the two of you these days, what does this tell us?) ;) Why that means tha we are very active forum members! ::) EDIT: LK - How did D_999 Get 1200 posts ;) Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Death 999 on February 09, 2004, 10:16:35 pm By being around about 5 times longer than you.
D999: 1200 posts since jan 4, 2003. Days: 400 or so. Average: 3 posts per day. FalconWMC: 260 posts since nov 4, 2003. Days: 77. Average: 3.4 posts per day. While we're at it: DJ: 666 posts since jul 24, 2003. Days: 200. Average: 3.33 posts per day Luki: 1114 posts since feb 4, 2003. Days: 370 or so. Average: 3 posts per day Nic: 478 posts since nov 10, 2002. Days: 455 or so. Average: 1.05 per day Kohr-Ah Primat: 496 posts from April 3rd 2003 to Aug 13th 2003. Days: 132. Average: 3.76 posts per day. K-P without her last post: 495 posts from April 3rd to July 24th. Days: 122. Average: 4 posts per day And it's not quantity... do a user search for KP, Nic, Luki, or myself, or Omni-kun. This isn't chat, saying nothing should be the most common option. ****** As for the code (which is why I am posting in this thread in the first place), I see some simplifications that could be made, like replacing the '== false' constructs with uses of the '!' operator, but that's just a readability issue. Also, I wonder why you're applying the isNaN function to a string instead of a float or double. However, this is probably just some javascript idiom I'm not aware of. There are two sketchy things I see about the submit button. First, that it doesn't specify an action to be taken after verifying the data. This may be confused for being no effect, if the data is valid. Second, the submit button input tag ends with '/>' instead of '>'. This may be legal, but I'm not sure. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: JonoPorter on February 09, 2004, 10:59:23 pm have you tried inverting the polarity? its works in every sci fi show.
but really the lack of comments makes me not even want to look at the code. add comments then we can talk. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Death 999 on February 09, 2004, 11:45:55 pm Quote but really the lack of comments makes me not even want to look at the code. add comments then we can talk. ?? The java is miniscule, then it's straight HTML. Taking out the Hebrew, it would be so brief comments would be an obstruction to comprehension. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: NECRO-99 on February 10, 2004, 12:30:11 am *cough* Yea, I could've made *smell* controller in record time too if I double posted everywhere*cough hack wheeze* ;)
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 10, 2004, 12:42:26 am haha - Anyway Primat and a few others made it before I did. Actually, I don't remember double-posting more than 2-3 times. It was spamming that I did. ;)
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 10, 2004, 12:51:38 am About The Original Subject of This Thread
Quote By being around about 5 times longer than you. D999: 1200 posts since jan 4, 2003. Days: 400 or so. Average: 3 posts per day. FalconWMC: 260 posts since nov 4, 2003. Days: 77. Average: 3.4 posts per day. While we're at it: DJ: 666 posts since jul 24, 2003. Days: 200. Average: 3.33 posts per day Luki: 1114 posts since feb 4, 2003. Days: 370 or so. Average: 3 posts per day Nic: 478 posts since nov 10, 2002. Days: 455 or so. Average: 1.05 per day Kohr-Ah Primat: 496 posts from April 3rd 2003 to Aug 13th 2003. Days: 132. Average: 3.76 posts per day. K-P without her last post: 495 posts from April 3rd to July 24th. Days: 122. Average: 4 posts per day And it's not quantity... do a user search for KP, Nic, Luki, or myself, or Omni-kun. This isn't chat, saying nothing should be the most common option. ****** As for the code (which is why I am posting in this thread in the first place), I see some simplifications that could be made, like replacing the '== false' constructs with uses of the '!' operator, but that's just a readability issue. Also, I wonder why you're applying the isNaN function to a string instead of a float or double. However, this is probably just some javascript idiom I'm not aware of. There are two sketchy things I see about the submit button. First, that it doesn't specify an action to be taken after verifying the data. This may be confused for being no effect, if the data is valid. Second, the submit button input tag ends with '/>' instead of '>'. This may be legal, but I'm not sure. First HTML, then Javascript and then ASP. They(the book and the teacher) told us meanwhile to send it to our email box. And the "submit button" should end with' />'. There are two types of such stuff: 1. <....>.....</....> or 2.<.................. /> But then again, this is from what I have learned and it isn't much. Now about the 'isNaN' funtion, you are right. I put a new code with more improvement. I thought that by checking if the field has numbers will be enough, but I forgot that in names there shoulds be: 1234567890-=\`~!@#$%^&*()_+|][';,./?><:" But that is another story for another code... For the code, Thanx anyone. You may pillow fight for now. About The Spam The amount of the messeges isn't all. It is what you have written in the messeges. And most of your messeges are almost meaningless. Now I stop flamming, just had to take it off my chest.... EDIT: About Bioslayer, comment: D999 is right, all you need to do is to look in the javascript which is VERY VERY short. If you don't understand about what this page is, you can put it in a notepad and save it as html. You will see a form which you need to fill in. About what? It doesn't really matter...only the "id" and the "name" of the inputs and such are important. And btw, it will show you hebrew, it is just written in ASCII code. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: JonoPorter on February 10, 2004, 07:05:04 am Quote D999 is right, all you need to do is to look in the javascript which is VERY VERY short. If you don't understand about what this page is, you can put it in a notepad and save it as html. You will see a form which you need to fill in. About what? It doesn't really matter...only the "id" and the "name" of the inputs and such are important. wow I just asked for something trivial. Dont need to lay the smack down on me. The error is caused by a uppercase "if" in the check on the password length. you are also missing a > at the end of the line of <table align='center' border='0' width='70%' Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 10, 2004, 07:17:16 am hmm... I hate when it happens... Anyway the new code is better. ;D
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: JonoPorter on February 10, 2004, 07:18:50 am when what happens?
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Death 999 on February 10, 2004, 07:47:21 pm Quote wow I just asked for something trivial. Dont need to lay the smack down on me. I didn't mean that! Quote The error is caused by a uppercase "if" in the check on the password length. Good eye! Good eye! DJ: As for <...> and <.../> Then what about <br>? <hr>? Are they just shorthand for <br/> and <hr/>? Title: Do they? That's only my backdoor prog in your sys! Post by: Krulle on February 10, 2004, 08:06:42 pm Quote About The Spam Ain't that what the Starbase Cafe has opened for, *spitting* meaningless words?The amount of the messages isn't all. It is what you have written in the messages. And most of your messages are almost meaningless. Now I stop flamming, just had to take it off my chest.... Now *spit* me some beer, please. I will then gladly *spit* some pillows at headheight through the cafe. Enjoy, Krulle Edit: Yikes, i *spitted* a meaningless message.... Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 11, 2004, 12:02:31 am Quote DJ: As for <...> and <.../> Then what about <br>? <hr>? Are they just shorthand for <br/> and <hr/>? Read Again: Quote .... 1. <....>.....</....> or 2.<.................. /> ... I think <br/> and <hr/> fall in the second option. EDIT: Not shorthanded, incorrectly written, but it still work. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: JonoPorter on February 11, 2004, 03:55:07 am jiffa whats with the new picture thing? that is so a statement of nerdom, and sadness.
Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: FalconMWC on February 11, 2004, 03:58:20 am Maybe it has to do with this thread?
http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=offtopic;action=display;num=1076436193 Otherwise I have no idea, though I think I would have SOME idea considering I am the same age as DJ. (Though from the US of A). Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: Deep-Jiffa on February 11, 2004, 06:07:38 am Quote jiffa whats with the new picture thing? that is so a statement of nerdom, and sadness. And pictures of imaginary aliens are statement of...? Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: JonoPorter on February 11, 2004, 01:01:20 pm Quote And pictures of imaginary aliens are statement of...? Conformity with this forum and its subjects. Title: Re: An example why computers hate me. Post by: NECRO-99 on February 11, 2004, 10:48:30 pm Stupid conformity...I hate conformity. Everyone should be diff--
Wait. I'm the one with the clones. *shuts up* |