Title: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Shiver on February 26, 2004, 09:52:09 am http://www.comics.aha.ru/rus/stalin/1.html
I don't know why, but I found this to be completely awesome. Does that make me a bad person? Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Krulle on February 26, 2004, 06:23:05 pm not my style, although the opening page with the
Stalin (c)&(tm) by... Hitler (c)&(tm) by... is an awesome cool idea! But the rest just isn't for me (read up to page 12, then it just was too much for me) Enjoy! Krulle Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Death 999 on February 26, 2004, 07:31:28 pm I managed to finish.
It started bizarre and got more so. When was this written? Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Michael Martin on February 26, 2004, 11:45:10 pm That was written in 2000 -- it hit the Internet circles I track a year or so later.
Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Zeep-Eeep on February 27, 2004, 01:10:03 am Stranger alright. Kinda funny though.
If I could read Russian, I think the comic would have had a better impact. However, it did seem to be well done. I'll stick with Calvin & Hobbes, thanks. Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Culture20 on February 27, 2004, 02:39:27 am I kept expecting the Eye of Agamotto around Stalin's neck. :P
Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Shiver on February 27, 2004, 07:39:22 am Quote Stranger alright. Kinda funny though. If I could read Russian, I think the comic would have had a better impact. However, it did seem to be well done. I'll stick with Calvin & Hobbes, thanks. *Sigh* Too bad the guy who draws Calvin & Hobbes retired. I suppose that's better than selling out as much as possible like the jackass who draws Garfield. Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Fsi-Dib on February 27, 2004, 05:10:49 pm Quote *Sigh* Too bad the guy who draws Calvin & Hobbes retired. I suppose that's better than selling out as much as possible like the jackass who draws Garfield. That would be Jim Davis. As for the comic ... looked neat, though I'd rather see both of them dead. :p Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Death 999 on February 27, 2004, 07:04:04 pm You're in luck! They are!
(edit: 1250th post) Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Fsi-Dib on March 04, 2004, 07:48:58 pm Quote You're in luck! They are! Well D'OH! You know what I meant. I'm sure of it. If you didn't it's your problem. ;) Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Death 999 on March 04, 2004, 08:05:50 pm What I find really odd about this is that it was produced so recently, given its content. First, it is transparently a communist propaganda comic. I mean, Stalin was immune to bullets because of historical inevitability? umm... yeah... right...
So, given that, who is expected to consider the fight between Stalin and Hitler presently relevant? How long has it been since Germany was a particular threat? Or is it Aryanism in the sense of the Nazis that is considered the problem? Or is it just that the Nazis are implied to be the greatest conceivable threat, and if Communism can beat that then it must the real greatest power around? Funny about that considering the Mickey D's on Red Square. If I were a communist propagandist there would be a lot of questions I'd be trying to evade too. Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Deep-Jiffa on March 04, 2004, 08:29:05 pm Quote What I find really odd about this is that it was produced so recently, given its content. First, it is transparently a communist propaganda comic. I mean, Stalin was immune to bullets because of historical inevitability? umm... yeah... right... So, given that, who is expected to consider the fight between Stalin and Hitler presently relevant? How long has it been since Germany was a particular threat? Or is it Aryanism in the sense of the Nazis that is considered the problem? Or is it just that the Nazis are implied to be the greatest conceivable threat, and if Communism can beat that then it must the real greatest power around? Funny about that considering the Mickey D's on Red Square. If I were a communist propagandist there would be a lot of questions I'd be trying to evade too. (http://www.ilf-league.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_blahblah.gif) D999, It is just a comics. Read it and enjoy! ;D Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Ivan Ivanov on March 04, 2004, 11:22:21 pm Quote D999, It is just a comics. Read it and enjoy! ;D I'm affraid I have to agree... It is just a comic and right now in central and eastern Europe things related to communism are considered to be funny. But yeah... this comic is strange even by my standards Title: Re: Strange yet cool comic Post by: Vassago_Umara on March 18, 2004, 01:40:53 am Very strange, but interesting. Don't think it's going to inspire anyone to join the communist party or the aryan nation though. Just a weird idea.