The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: meep-eep on February 28, 2004, 07:51:30 am

Title: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: meep-eep on February 28, 2004, 07:51:30 am
Those of you who can't wait until the next UQM release might be interested to know that Windows binaries are now automatically generated when a change is committed to cvs.
For all the details, see the news page.

Title: Re: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: Nic on February 28, 2004, 08:49:04 am
And if you use MacOS X, it bears mention that I'm keeping a bleeding-edge version of the game on my site here:

Title: Linux Binary
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on February 28, 2004, 06:02:07 pm
While most Linux fanatic- er, users I know wouldn't be caught dead with
a binary file, I have made an up2date Linux binary of UQM 0.32. This
is loacted on my home computer, which should be up and running *most*
of the time. If it's off-line, please try again later.

The address to uqm, version 0.32 is:

In case some of you are wondering where the computer name came from,
it's a joke on the fact that I'm a programmer and a vegaterian.

Title: Re: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: Just-a-Fot on February 29, 2004, 04:33:54 pm
I tried dropping the uqm.exe into my v0.3 (win) directory and it says zlibwapi.dll not found. Is this a bug? There is a zlib.dll.
Am i supposed to find the other changed binaries somewhere too?
If not, then mentioning that the executable only works with the CVS compiled version would be nice.

Title: Re: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: meep-eep on February 29, 2004, 07:13:21 pm
Ah, more problems I see. These binary snapshots are created by cross-compiling from a FreeBSD machine, and it seems I haven't got everything set up right yet.

Title: Re: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: Defender on February 29, 2004, 08:19:20 pm
I tried dropping the uqm.exe into my v0.3 (win) directory and it says zlibwapi.dll not found. Is this a bug? There is a zlib.dll.
Am i supposed to find the other changed binaries somewhere too?
If not, then mentioning that the executable only works with the CVS compiled version would be nice.

just for fun, i copyed zlib.dll to the desktop. renamed it zlibwapi.dll. the put it back in the UQM directory. ran the "cvs" and it worked. well kinda, meep-eep already knows my other problems. im not sure what problems i created, by renaming the dll file. i just thought id share my "kinda" work around. if thats what you would call it.


Title: Re: Windows binaries from CVS snapshots available.
Post by: meep-eep on March 01, 2004, 03:01:06 am
I think it should work now.
DEFIANT: zlib.dll is indeed the file it was looking for, so your work-around is correct.