Title: Any way to edit the keys used by UQM .3? Post by: Drew Siffah on May 03, 2004, 09:06:47 am I am having a problem with my Windows and cannot disable the StickyKeys activation (pressing SHIFT 5x) and since the right SHIFT key is used by the game, I am having a lot of trouble in combat and things.
Is there anyway to re-map the default keys used by the game? Title: Re: Any way to edit the keys used by UQM .3? Post by: Defender on May 03, 2004, 10:33:00 am you can disable the sticky keys so they no longer pop up. go to control panel and accessibility options unchecked sticky keys box.
or go to: C:\Documents and Settings\"*"\Application Data\uqm must have folder options set to SHOW hidden files. *="user account"... everybody's is different in the uqm folder is the keys.cfg open this with notepad and edit the keys or gamepad to your liking. hope this helps. ~DEFIANT Title: Re: Any way to edit the keys used by UQM .3? Post by: Drew Siffah on May 04, 2004, 06:31:32 am Yeah, thanks, worked like a charm!