Title: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Asrial on May 28, 2004, 09:51:57 am Anyone here ever taken on the task of exploring EVERY planet in the game?
Been considering it, heh. I'm at least going to start keeping track of the systems I clean out so that I don't revisit them (unless they have exotic planets or lifeform planets -- I think those restock over time, but I'm not too sure). Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Shiver on May 28, 2004, 10:07:20 am I'm not sure there's enough time in the game for that. Anyway, most of us have probably hit at least half of the systems many times over. I should point out that the planets in Ur-Quan space might as well all be made out of jello since no one ever goes near them.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Asrial on May 28, 2004, 10:40:28 am Quote I'm not sure there's enough time in the game for that. Anyway, most of us have probably hit at least half of the systems many times over. I should point out that the planets in Ur-Quan space might as well all be made out of jello since no one ever goes near them. I remember that once I got my cruiser built up, I was able to dominate the Kor-ah and Ur-Quan. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Shiver on May 28, 2004, 11:00:05 am Quote I remember that once I got my cruiser built up, I was able to dominate the Kor-ah and Ur-Quan. Yes, and most did the same with Fwiffo. Just the same, Ur-Quan space is largely ignored. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Vassago_Umara on May 29, 2004, 03:20:35 am When I played the game as a child, my buddy and I went to damn near every star and marked on the large paper map what resources, biological, and artifacts there were. It took forever and the map was probably thrown away by one of our parents. Damn. What a waste.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Zeep-Eeep on May 29, 2004, 04:32:48 am I came close the second time I played the game. ... The first
time I didn't get much done before running out of time. The second time, I got lots of thrusters and went looking for...well, everything. The Syreen ships, the VUX pet, everything. I probably covered 80% of the star systems. I'd fly into a system, scan the planets and get out as quickly as possible. Though I didn't bother mapping them. I went by area of influence. So one day I'd cover the Ugma space, another I'd do the Thraddish...took three days for Ur-Quan space. It was mostly a waste of time, but I finally found all the things I was looking for. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: FalconMWC on May 29, 2004, 04:34:53 am And what date did you finish the game in? 2159 December 29? ;)
Or just seconds before your starbase was destroyed? ;) Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Captain Smith on May 29, 2004, 06:31:23 am Yes and no. I've been to every system with a white star in it, and due to some other folks that made a database out of the star values, I filled out a list of exotics worlds.
If you look around for the SC2 strategy guide you'll find out a list of "rich systems for minerals and bio". Quote Anyone here ever taken on the task of exploring EVERY planet in the game? Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Zeep-Eeep on May 29, 2004, 07:25:32 am Quote And what date did you finish the game in? 2159 December 29? ;) Or just seconds before your starbase was destroyed? ;) Admittedly, after a while I kept saved games. If I didn't find something after a few months (game time) I'd simply re-load the game. If I did find something, I'd take note of the place and roll-back time and go get it. But the Korh-Ah did start moving before I completed the game the second time. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: saros on May 30, 2004, 01:20:33 am Well, I have, as a matter of fact. And in one Sc2 game too. It takes about 4 years or so to do it(as far as I can remember) and it is boring. Especially the Ur-quan sphere - I dreamt the battles Jugger - Marauger and Jugger - Dreadnought for months on end...
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: mkananoja on June 25, 2004, 05:00:34 am i am just exploring galaxy and i have put up starsystems, stars' coordinates, color of star, size of star (allready done!), life, artifacts, richesness, melnorme's trade ships,rainbow-worlds and other unusual things (about 30-40% by now)
also it includes info about artifacts (where/how can be optained, how and where is used and what it does anyway), all about Melnorme shop's (tecnology and information) Quassispace-hyperspace gates openings (in both coordinates and image), information about all species (their homeworlds coordinates both living or destroyed species, frendly or foe and short looking to their history) all in exel-file... you know guys... this is just... too... much... for... me... i wonder if i never complete this work... is this really worth of it? Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Captain Smith on June 25, 2004, 09:35:47 am Quote all in exel-file... you know guys... this is just... too... much... for... me... i wonder if i never complete this work... is this really worth of it? http://uqm.chumbucket.org Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: mkananoja on June 25, 2004, 04:12:01 pm thanks! that really boost-up my Exploring greatly.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Culture20 on June 26, 2004, 04:39:08 am People have been doing this for more than 10 years (I had a friend who did the same thing for 2-3 years before he gave up). Now that the source is available, it's easier to just generate the data.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Terminator on June 27, 2004, 01:20:26 am Quote http://uqm.chumbucket.org That's Sage's database isn't it? everyone misses the 5 units of exotics on Pluto. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: mkananoja on June 27, 2004, 03:53:32 am well i have decited at i won't write about what materials each planet or starsystem has... who could be interested about star where is 300 units of common materials instead of 150 units of exotic materials at annother star? i just write it is worthy enought to be "cleaned out" and thats require at i visit every star and planet about its obtains.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Bobucles on June 27, 2004, 04:02:25 am mkananoja, do you know what the single best planet in the galaxy is? ;D
My guess is the ruby planet in the Alpha Centauri system. That planet must have about 10,000 RUs of Exotics. ;) Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Terminator on June 27, 2004, 04:18:57 am There are TWO Ruby Planets at Alpha Centauri Both worth it in crew an fuel.
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Chrispy on June 27, 2004, 07:38:25 am There are also a few jackpots in Terminators favorite system...
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Lukipela on June 27, 2004, 09:06:52 am Quote There are TWO Ruby Planets at Alpha Centauri Both worth it in crew an fuel. I think your crew would disagree captain. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Censored on June 28, 2004, 03:07:54 am Umm.. guys?
we have the source code available, remember? you could just print the database out of it, don't waste all this precious time. Don't know exactly where it is in the code, but I'm sure the Core Team would gladly direct anyone who's interested. Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Culture20 on June 29, 2004, 02:36:04 am The fun part is: it's not a database, so there's not much space that gets used. All of the planet info is generated randomly, and then special systems replace certain random ones (home-stars).
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Censored on June 29, 2004, 03:05:35 am Then there's no use in accumulating planet info in the first place!
Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: Captain Smith on June 29, 2004, 04:23:58 am "Who could be interested about star where is 300 units of common materials instead of 150 units of exotic materials at annother star?"
Exactly. That was the intent of my project I did a few months ago, and you can find that in here. It's a list of exotic "jackpot" worlds. I only posted I think the top ten (maybe more), but if you want the whole list in the entire game, you can give me an e-mail and I can send it to you. Two systems and four planets, though, and you have enough resources to destroy anything and last forever. "mkananoja, do you know what the single best planet in the galaxy is? My guess is the ruby planet in the Alpha Centauri system. That planet must have about 10,000 RUs of Exotics." Bobucles guesses WRONG! "There are TWO Ruby Planets at Alpha Centauri Both worth it in crew an fuel." True. "I think your crew would disagree captain." IN-DEED! Alpha Centauri is NOT good for your crew's health. "you could just print the database out of it, don't waste all this precious time." And this has been done. "All of the planet info is generated randomly, and then special systems replace certain random ones (home-stars)." Pseudorandomly. Just a regular repeatable pattern that SEEMS random. But repeatable. "Then there's no use in accumulating planet info in the first place!" Sure there is. It's repeatable so it's not really random and the same resources occur in the same spots each and every game. So why not at least accumulate the ones worth your time? Title: Re: Exploring the Galaxy Post by: tomt on July 05, 2004, 05:34:54 am I put together a "shopping list" of planets to visit at one point years ago... basically any planet that had gold, radioactives or exotics. Unfortunately the list could use pruning. It lists planets that have even a tiny little bit that's not worth the bother to get, and it doesn't mention when the weather, tectonics, gravity, etc. are awful.
I think what I'll try doing is to go through the database at http://uqm.chumbucket.org and come up with a list of planets within reach of Earth (or the long trek "up" to get the warp pod, etc.) where the planetary conditions aren't too terrible. Aside from Alpha Centauri, these two systems are pretty good: Zeta Vulpeculae 3a, 4, 5acd, 6, 7. Tons of gold. The Vulpeculae system is loaded with it. Delta Tauri 1, 2 and 7. Now all we need is a list of planets with biological life forms on them that are easy to collect. I noticed that http://uqm.chumbucket.org doesn't always seem to list biological life... Alpha Wolf 4a and 4d, and Beta Mira 1d have life on them I think, but the database doesn't show anything. |