Title: I'm stumped... Post by: Aladar on June 05, 2004, 10:38:35 am I'm just starting to this game, and have looked at the site, browsed the forum, but just CAN'T figure out how you fire your ships main weapon. It stumps me. Sorry if this is a stupid question. I'd just like to know how to actually fight ::)
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: hoopadoo on June 05, 2004, 11:33:39 am Hit shift.
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: Shiver on June 05, 2004, 12:13:48 pm Secondary is control.
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: Censored on June 05, 2004, 06:06:09 pm you should have a firing module installed on the ship as well
also, after each shot, your battery drains and you have to wait for it to reload. Installing appropriate modules would increase recharge speed. Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: FalconMWC on June 05, 2004, 07:35:35 pm Also, if you do not like the current configuration you can edit it were the save games are stored. Which in windows XP is C/documents and settings/your name/application data (this is a hidden file)/UQM - then you open the file keys.
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: ShdwElf on June 07, 2004, 06:07:46 am Okay this has stumped me. How do you save your current game? Thanks for any help given. :)
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: Cronos on June 07, 2004, 06:39:58 am Press space to go to the menu, cycle between the command icons until you find the "Game" option. Hit enter, cycle to "Save" to save your game. Hit load if you were in a spot of trouble.
You can also save you game just prior to encounters. This will save you quite a bit. Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: ShdwElf on June 07, 2004, 07:04:31 am Thanks for the help! ;D
Title: Re: I'm stumped... Post by: Jetriot on June 08, 2004, 12:24:50 am Hmm... If I could find my PC Gamer demo CD that came with the full copy of this game it included a full manual, color map, walkthrough, told what was on every planet in the galaxy, etc... it might be useful for me to upload it and post the link. Of course its always fun to make people ask and tease them with hints too.