Title: How often does the VUX laser fire? Post by: Eth on December 06, 2002, 12:57:02 pm How many single damage "shots" does it do in a second? Thanks.
Title: Re: How often does the VUX laser fire? Post by: Zeroarmy on December 06, 2002, 01:14:18 pm Well I doubt anybody knows how many crew you lose each second of flying directly in front of a a VUX ship. But I do know that if you tap the fire button while an enemy ship is dirrectly in front of you, the enemy will lose 1 crew.
Title: Re: How often does the VUX laser fire? Post by: Nic. on December 07, 2002, 12:18:35 am Well, it eats 1 battery unit per shot, so:
Title: Re: How often does the VUX laser fire? Post by: Eth on December 07, 2002, 01:48:59 am Well, I was hoping that someone elbow-deep in the source code would have an answer, is it is pretty difficult to time 1 second precisely.
Title: Re: How often does the VUX laser fire? Post by: Zeroarmy on December 07, 2002, 06:11:09 am Yes that's why I said I doubt anybody would know. The game isn't programmed to take enemy crew for every second of being in front of the lazer. So, unless you get someone who's good with math (which i'm not) you won't find your answer.