Title: What did Orz do to the Androsynth Post by: Mr._Jangles on September 11, 2004, 06:55:46 am Notice the orz say "I am so happy to *smell* you"
I have somehow related that to the Arlilou when they tell you "you do not want to learn about the orz". "Ignorence is your only sheild"." They cannot see you they cannot *smell* you". "The Androsynth showed themselves and something noticed them". "There are no more Androsynth now ....Only Orz." Also the orz orgininated from Quasi Space i come to think. Can anyone else give me some more info on this subjuct? ??? Title: Re: What did Orz do to the Androsynth Post by: Sander Scamper on September 11, 2004, 11:03:14 am If you check the several insanely large posts that would be on page 2 or 3, you will notice that this has been discussed...IN GREAT DETAIL =p
Title: Re: What did Orz do to the Androsynth Post by: FalconMWC on September 11, 2004, 06:04:35 pm Well, not to sound like a parrot ::) - But, here is a thread that has a LOT of info, thoughts and overall, everything you need about the topic for a while. This thing is a loooooong read, but you seem to have a little spare time.
http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Gendiscuss;action=display;num=1039336915 |