Title: Turn off manual combat?? Post by: Ed Rotberg on September 19, 2004, 12:51:38 pm In the 3DO version of the game it was possible to turn offf manual combat (or conversely to turn ON compuer controlled combat for the player). Since I'm more of a strategy/rpg style player, and I REALLY enjoyed that aspect of the game, is there any way to turn that feature on in this version? Th Setup menu is not yet implemented and I did not find anything in the startup command line arguments that would do this.
Did I miss something? Thanks, = Ed = Title: Re: Turn off manual combat?? Post by: Kaiser on September 19, 2004, 01:04:17 pm Yeah. It's in the Options section of the in-game menu. Turn it to cyborg.
Just like in the 3DO version. :P Title: Re: Turn off manual combat?? Post by: Sander Scamper on September 20, 2004, 04:41:26 pm Hows life like with no arms? =p
Title: Re: Turn off manual combat?? Post by: Art on September 21, 2004, 08:38:11 am Only kidding... never had any arms. Har har!