Title: hello Post by: muller on November 25, 2004, 03:24:14 am Hey y'all, this is my first post. My friend Halleck was showing me SC2, and it was awesome... then i was like "dude i found this artists website from sweeden" and he was like "dude, i know him, he's on the forums at uqm, his name is arne" and i was like wow, then yesterday i was like "dude i found this cool demo game called 'Black Sky' on a opengl link" and he was like "i know that dude, he's Viperg on uqm" and i was like "dude i got to join that site" and he was like "dude i know!!! all the cool technical people are on that forum" and today i was like "dude, ok i signed up" and he said "great now post something" and im like "dude, i am now!"
Title: Re: hello Post by: Halleck on November 25, 2004, 03:27:37 am Um.. wow. Let me just say that muller isn't such a moron in real life, but you'll have to take my word for it. :-/
Title: i ride on spinners!!! Post by: muller on November 25, 2004, 03:40:46 am ok, now for some commentary aside from my seemingly unintelligible post;
hello, i am a amateur programmer and i am new here. i am fairly profficient at java and c++ but have never taken the time to learn the windows api or opengl to a sufficient degree for a fairly extensive project. I am not interested in making a game per se, but i do like programing all the different aspects. it's like i try to be a mediocre at everything from compression to networking to gfx... And i would just like to say what a great job to all the people who contributed to SC2 in any way. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TRANSCENDED TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROCEED TO BASH LUKIPELA, HALLECK, FALCON, VOID, AND DEFIANT AS THEY APPEAR IN THE ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pops back to my fourth post...* Title: Re: hello Post by: Lukipela on November 27, 2004, 07:20:59 pm Am I still the official Welcomer?
Well, Welcome!! anyway. And dude, it's good to have you. Title: Re: hello Post by: Corellian on November 27, 2004, 09:09:15 pm Hello! That is my first post too, welcome ;D
Title: Re: hello Post by: Deep-Jiffa on November 28, 2004, 03:28:13 am I am like : "dude, where is my car?"
Welcome. Title: Re: hello Post by: Lukipela on November 28, 2004, 07:53:54 pm Dude, where's my welocme?
Welcome once more. *Hits DJ with a pillow for old times sake. Title: Re: hello Post by: Defender on November 28, 2004, 10:43:03 pm PILLOWFIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*swings wildly* ~DEFIANT Title: Re: hello Post by: FalconMWC on November 29, 2004, 12:16:54 am When have we last had a good pillow fight? Too long.....
**Starts smacking Lukipela before getting whapped by wildly swinging Defiant Title: Re: hello Post by: Halleck on November 29, 2004, 12:29:44 am ;D *bats defiant on the head and then ducks behind the couch*
Title: Re: hello Post by: muller on November 29, 2004, 12:32:33 am Suprise suprise DuuuuuuDes!
*double-thwaps lukipela and halleck* Title: Re: hello Post by: Defender on November 29, 2004, 07:42:36 am Quote ;D *bats defiant on the head and then ducks behind the couch* *DIZZY* left wide open for finishing blow... Title: Re: hello Post by: Lukipela on November 29, 2004, 10:24:22 am Bouncing back like a crazed clown, Lukipela throws himself in front of DEFIANT as a human pilow shield, whilst throwing a minipillow at Halleck. Due to the interesting dimensional shape of Lukipelas chaos theory pillows, the pillow then bounces off Halleck, hitting every other player (including himself but excluding poor crippled DEFIANT) twice before exploding in a cloud of feathers
Title: Re: hello Post by: VOiD on November 29, 2004, 10:33:20 am *enters the room, sees the debacle happening, jumps gleefully over the couch, grabbing a pillow in passing; aims his ammunition as a feathery cloud, um, clouds his vision, and smacks headlong into a wall, fracturing his nose*
Title: Re: hello Post by: Halleck on November 29, 2004, 12:00:58 pm *recoils from the chaos minipillow*
POOMF. argh! *wipes feathers off his goggles in time to see VOiD go careening into the wall. Grabs a pillow in one hand and a cushion in the other and rolls over the top of the couch, waiting to strike...* Title: Re: hello Post by: muller on November 29, 2004, 12:46:46 pm as the minipillow whooshes toward me at high speed and as it approaches at near soeed of light, and because of it's theoretical powers it refracts space and projects an image of another dimension where i get smacked by the pillow. yet whilst the image is being projected time slows down (from the near light speed minipillow) enough for me to move aside from the projectile. BUT as halleck rolls over the couch he falls then stumbles directly into the dimensional image wake of me actually getting hit by the minipillow thus collapsing the wake. the dimensional void tavells past me knocking me to the ground and to to pillow now well behind my head. the collapsing Dimensional wake/void finally reaches the minipillow it causes a (chaotic) gravitatioal cascade which warps around in a horizontal ark wehre it eaches it's epoch at position equal between my face and my own pillow thus causing a collision at a dimentional convergence of the minipillows previous pinnical of gravitational power, respectively... that collision causes a vertex of time encapsulating muller and sending him back through the ether to his second post... and at the same time causing a dimensional reverburation, forcing halleck back to the correct dimension. MULLER HAS GONE BACK IN TIME TO HIS SECOND POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwahahahah!!!
muller suddenly pops back to the current time in an instant and now everybody has a large, unexplained lump on there head as if someone had gone back in time and and bashed them with a pillow! Title: Re: hello Post by: FalconMWC on November 29, 2004, 06:17:55 pm **Rubs back of his head
Ouch! Thanks a lot! ***Goes into a pillow swinging fury, sending muller flying... Title: Re: hello Post by: Defender on November 30, 2004, 05:08:09 am recovers from daze....
*activates trap card* "pillow of ultimate feathering" feathers now swirl around Defiant, protecting his life points. summons monster "Pillow Fluff" GO NOW!, ATTACK FALCONMWC! ~DEFIANT :P Title: Re: hello Post by: Cronos on November 30, 2004, 08:05:49 am **pops head into thread**
**ducks as pillow gets lobbed at my head** **runs for dear life... and for my uber secret uber weapon of doom!** Title: Re: hello Post by: Fsi-Dib on November 30, 2004, 03:53:54 pm Dudettes.
'nuff said. Title: Re: hello Post by: Death 999 on November 30, 2004, 08:31:51 pm The Kohr-Ah enters the room and activates his secondary weapon -- a POOFED (Pillow-Oriented Oscillating Feathers of Eternal Distraction). Suddenly, every pillow it contacts explodes, making most combatants sneeze mightily!
Death 999 then sets about building a fortress of couch cushions, occasionally throwing one out at the others. Title: Re: hello Post by: NECRO-99 on November 30, 2004, 09:34:33 pm Well well, another pillow war has begun. Time to test out my new theory...
NECRO pulls out a large black, slightly shifting pillow. I mixed Interdimentional Fatigue technology with the Chaos(tm) tracking systems our Guardians use. Behold, the Interdimentional Chaos Pillow! (also known as ICP, no relation to the band :P) NECRO hurls the pillow at the camping Kohr-Ah. It sails through the air but, before striking, it flashes brightly and *slides* between realities. It reappears half a foot away from Falcon (who is behind NECRO) and drills him square in the chest. It *slides* again, no one knowing where it will come up next... Title: Re: hello Post by: Deep-Jiffa on December 01, 2004, 04:59:36 pm Quote The Kohr-Ah enters the room and activates his secondary weapon -- a POOFED (Pillow-Oriented Oscillating Feathers of Eternal Distraction). Suddenly, every pillow it contacts explodes, making most combatants sneeze mightily! Death 999 then sets about building a fortress of couch cushions, occasionally throwing one out at the others. Hey, don't copy my F.R.I.E.D! ( © ) Title: Re: hello Post by: Death 999 on December 03, 2004, 01:07:51 am Cite, please.
Oh, and... *WHACK* from behind with a bolo-pillow. Title: Re: hello Post by: Defender on December 03, 2004, 04:36:35 am *points finger*
HA-HA! Title: Re: hello Post by: NECRO-99 on December 07, 2004, 06:24:44 am Using IDF sensing technology, NECRO sees the pillow on a return path towards him. He quickly dodges out of the way as the pillow re-emerges into the physical realm and destroys Jiffa. Now that NECRO has a solid lock on this Chaos Pillow, he unleashes another...
Title: Re: hello Post by: Terminator on December 10, 2004, 08:45:17 pm Terminator enters yelling "Vile swine, thou shalt die for starting a fight without thee." pulls out the Obliterator(A pillow as thick and as dense as Zanthius' posts) and hurls it a Necro at supersonic speeds, which he narrowly evades, demolishing the wall behind him.
Title: Re: hello Post by: Death 999 on December 10, 2004, 09:21:46 pm So... Necro's dodge demolished the wall? I'd hate to see what the pillow will do!
Title: Re: hello Post by: NECRO-99 on December 14, 2004, 02:45:11 am *flex* ;)
NECRO pulls himself from the rubble. "Damn, don't know my own strength." His second Chaos Pillow begins it's random path about the room, and phases out. It stays eeriely absent for a long time, then reappears in a flash, carrying muller as it tears through the barriers of time and space to return him to the present. "That had to hurt." Title: Re: hello Post by: FalconMWC on December 14, 2004, 06:41:48 am **recovers
*Smacks Necro with a pillow as he watchs people go flying...... **gloats **Smacks Necro again with a pillow before looking up to see Necro's interdimentional hurtling at him.... Uh-oh....... Title: Re: hello Post by: Kaahtt on December 18, 2004, 01:10:02 am *walks in, looks around, carefully dodging the incomming fluffy projectiles, smiles, and walks away... FOR NOW...*
Title: Re: hello Post by: Fossaman on December 18, 2004, 05:18:51 am *Walks in flanked by two vac suited orz marines armed with specially modified pillow grenade launchers* "Fire at will!" Bundles of pillows fly through the air and fragment into rocketing clouds of feathery doom. Necro is flung through the demolished wall by a double hit, and DEFIANT's mad chuckling ceases abrubtly as a pillow explodes in a direct hit to the face. *Laughs evilly, and prepares his pillowzooka...*
Title: Re: hello Post by: FalconMWC on December 19, 2004, 06:36:39 am haha! You forgot me!
*Smacks Fossaman before he fires the pillowzooka. He catches the weapon as Fossaman falls and pulls the trigger..... Title: Re: hello Post by: Halleck on December 20, 2004, 01:48:15 pm *Halleck peeks his head out from behind the couch just in time to see fossaman go...*
WHABOOOOM! *Fossaman and Falcon are both thrown backwards as feathers fill the air.* Hmmm. now that everyone's distracted... *As the debris settle, Halleck procures the Utwig cushion. It contains enough fluff to whack a small moon out of orbit.* Muahahaha! |