Title: Copyright question Post by: Battlehorse on January 22, 2005, 04:09:08 am I was wondering... is every image in the Ur Quan Masters copyrighted? Cuz if they are, I want to ask permission to whoever necessary to use a few explosion images and masks in my own game that I am making. If they are not copyrighted, I'll just go ahead and use them. If not, Who do I ask? :)
Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: 0xDEC0DE on January 22, 2005, 04:38:56 am Yes. Redistribution of the content is only allowed if it is with a copy of The Ur-Quan Masters. If you want to repurpose the artwork, you can a) go draw your own, or b) ask permission (and possibly get turned down, leaving you back at a) ). The original copyright owners can be contacted here (http://www.toysforbob.com/), but some of the content may be fan-contributed (very, very rare, but it has happened) in which case they would not be able to give you permission; you'd need to track down the original author.
Such a tangled web we weave... Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: Halleck on January 22, 2005, 08:10:48 am That being said, it may be easier to track down some of the TimeWarp (http://timewarp.sourceforge.net/) folks, or ask David Grassi (who is developing Black Sky (http://www.blackskygame.com/)). I'd also refer you to madgap (http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Gendiscuss;action=display;num=1083508167) who is developing Aftermath (http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rkingsle/), but his game is mostly 3d, which wouldn't help much if you're looking for sprites.
Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: Battlehorse on January 27, 2005, 05:05:37 am :D Thanks all. Also, another question. If I considered A (creating my own), is it possible or would it be illegal if I made it exactly like the copyrighted image? For example, not 'copying and pasting' but looking a the first pixel, seeing the rgb color, creating another pixel exactly like it at exactly the same size on my image, going to the second pixel, ect. Is that legal?
Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: Zeep-Eeep on January 27, 2005, 07:00:55 am I think that if the first image is copyrighted, then doing the
copy pixel-by-pixel process is illegal. Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: Halleck on January 27, 2005, 07:10:15 am That would be a form of copying, you'd just be doing it by hand insteead of automatically.
It would be easier just to make your own, or try one of the avenues I mentioned above. Title: Re: Copyright question Post by: Battlehorse on January 27, 2005, 10:07:49 am Sounds good. Will do. Thanks all ;) Already sent messages... hope this works 8)