The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Szczepaniak on January 29, 2005, 10:32:57 pm

Title: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Szczepaniak on January 29, 2005, 10:32:57 pm
What did I do when I emailed TFB? Only forget to ask about the Japanese 3DO version.

Now, since you guys have access to the 3DO media, can someone give me a clear answer to this question:

Was the Japanese 3DO version dubbed or subbed into Japanese?

And if it was dubbed, what was the quality? Normal voice acting, or manipulated by computer?

Having seen a copy in japan years ago, I have yet to find the truth to this. Can someone help?


Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 30, 2005, 01:27:19 am
I'd like to know that myself. I also like to get my hands on a Japanese copy, for this "bug" report:

One person who would know this is Yuki. She had a TFB fansite, but it vanished half a year ago, and I haven't been able to contact her.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Sage on January 31, 2005, 07:09:17 am
I did a bit of searching about the net for a copy of SC2j. Unfortunately I was only able to come up with one result ( myself. Thankfully Nic came through ( with an additional link. And eBay seems to only have one copy of SC2 (probably the American version) at this time. So, it looks as though someone (with the funds) could get a copy of SC2j. Too bad I couldn't find an ISO.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Szczepaniak on January 31, 2005, 03:14:09 pm
Thanks for the info.

Doesnt Chad Derrenbecker have a Japanese copy? I saw photos of it on his website. I wonder if he has played it.

I cant even guess at it, dubbing would be a phenomenal task, but subtitling is equally as massive. I am very surprised it was translated, and into japanese of all languages! (having studied it for 5 years, I know just how tough it would have been, a literal translation of the Orz would have made even less sense)

If it was dubbed, then I am very curious to hear the japanese voice acting.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 12, 2005, 11:33:31 pm
I bought one; it just arrived.

The intro duk is dubbed. You're playing captain Isamu of the flagship Kamui.
All the speech is dubbed, the captain's lines are written in Japanese letters, as are the lander reports. Most other text is still in English.
The splash screen and the start menu are adapted, most other images are unmodified.

Some snapshots: 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 (
Some samples: 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( 6 ( 7 ( 8 ( 9 ( 10 (

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on July 12, 2005, 11:55:51 pm
fwiffo in japanese, that is hilarious... ;D

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Halleck on July 13, 2005, 05:31:18 am
That's great!
Does this mean we will be seeing some sort of japanese language expansion at some (distant) point in the future?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 13, 2005, 05:39:35 am
We might, if we have the permission of the copyright owner of these voices, fonts and modified images. (We hope that will turn out to be TFB.)

We would also need the help of some Japanese speaking person/people if we would want to subtitle everything, because everything would have to be transcribed and synchronised.

But it's all very low priority, as there seems to be no demand for a Japanese localisation so far.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Dingus on July 16, 2005, 06:29:28 am
those samples are great, but what aliens are speaking in each?

i know the first one is Fwiffo and the last one Talana, and the second last one must be Umgah. but how about the others...?

I have to know how the Ur-quan sound in japanese!

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 16, 2005, 07:46:20 am
I've actually selected reasonably recognisable samples. I'll leave it to the readers to figure out which is which. It should even be possible to point out the exact lines.
(And no cheating by being Japanese)

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Megagun on July 16, 2005, 12:07:49 pm
First is Fwiffo.. His intro line. (damn sure)
Second is Yehat when you show them the Shofixti... (quite sure)
Third.. NO IDEA... Maybe Hayes?
Fourth... uuh.. Ilwrath?
Fifth probably Shofixti. Might be Umgah.
Sixth is Arilou (probably).
Seventh? No idea. Supox?
Eight.. Haw. Little Japanese child... AKA Zoq Fot Pik, the blue dude... "FRUNGY FRUNGY!".. :)
Ninth is Thraddash...
Tenth is Talana, yup... Evil Witch Talana, to be exact. :)

Nice stuff, Meep! :P

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on July 16, 2005, 04:45:17 pm
We might, if we have the permission of the copyright owner of these voices, fonts and modified images. (We hope that will turn out to be TFB.)
Considering the first screenshot you link to contains the text "©1994 Fred Ford & Paul Reiche III", I think you should, well, ask them.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 16, 2005, 05:22:08 pm
We might, if we have the permission of the copyright owner of these voices, fonts and modified images. (We hope that will turn out to be TFB.)
Considering the first screenshot you link to contains the text "©1994 Fred Ford & Paul Reiche III", I think you should, well, ask them.
We will, in due time. It's not likely we'll be working on this any time soon.

As for the answers so far:
1 is indeed the Spathi Intro line (spath000.ogg)
2 is NOT the Yehat
8 well... hard to get that one wrong. zoqfo270.ogg to be exact
9 is Umgah, but what line?
10 is indeed Talana

I'm not yet going to respond on the guesses. All samples contain some clues which should allow you to reply with a bit more certainty. Let me just say Novus's guesses are not all right, nor all wrong.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Megagun on July 16, 2005, 05:43:36 pm
Ah.. 2 is Katana when he finds out you're not an Ur-Quan slimewad...

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 16, 2005, 05:47:55 pm

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: jp on July 16, 2005, 06:27:57 pm
I think
7:Yehat Rebel

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on July 16, 2005, 08:27:50 pm
Let me just say Novus's guesses are not all right, nor all wrong.
Uh, are you a telepath or something? I haven't posted any guesses yet.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 16, 2005, 08:50:38 pm
Sorry, I meant Megagun.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Dingus on July 16, 2005, 10:32:36 pm
okay i think that

number 7 is the yehat rebel line describing the vux/admiral zex
number 5 is orz(pretty sure)
number 9 is the umgah speaking on their plan to use the the talking pet to make spathi attack the vux.
number 8 is zoq-fot-pik "frungy frungy!"
number 3 is propably commander hayes
number 10 is of course talana and the "space monster" scene.

still trying to figure out the others

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: piratebob on July 17, 2005, 01:39:06 am
Ooh! Ooh!

2 is the Utwig when they get the Ultron back!

See, you can hear the whole "Augh! He taunts us with the shell of its glory! - Wait - the blinking is faimiliar - it's working again! O joy!" type thing they pull.

Maybe. I could be wrong.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 17, 2005, 03:14:56 pm
1 already found
2 is indeed the Utwig when they get the Ultron back. (utwig041.ogg)
3 is indeed commander hayes. The first 3 words should give it away.
5. is indeed the Orz. You know the line too?
7. Yehat rebel line is absolutely correct (rebel016.ogg)
8. already found
9. right race, wrong line
10. yup. The English version was more fun imho, where they'd use a different voice for the monster, instead of having Talana say "growl".

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: piratebob on July 17, 2005, 03:30:28 pm
Hmm...3 is when he's talking about the top-secret Star Control mission to Androsynth space

5 is the Orz going "Nnnnnngggaaaaaa! It is *dancing*"

9 is, actually, the Umgah talking about using the Talking Pet to make the Spathi attack the Vux. They also mention Dogar and Kazon and the Hyperwave caster in both the English line and the Japanese sample.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Dingus on July 17, 2005, 03:50:22 pm
hmmm still trying to figure out number 4 and 6

Is number 6 arilou? number 4 pkunk maybe? i have no idea of the exact lines, yet...

i hope number 4 is not ilwrath, definately doesn't suit their character.

hey how about some more samples after we solve these, eh? pleease!

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on July 17, 2005, 04:06:20 pm
3 is indeed the talk about the mission to Vela
5 is indeed the "it is dancing" line
9, well I made a mistake there; it was indeed the line where the Umgah talk about using the Talking Pet for their own goals

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 25, 2006, 11:00:44 pm
Upon request: 11 (

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Matticus on January 25, 2006, 11:09:46 pm
That HAS to be when the monster gets loose and kills ZEX...

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Zarla on January 26, 2006, 01:35:14 am
Eee, awesome. :D ZEX sounds so upset.
Guessing from the little Frungy line, do the Zoq-Fot-Pik sound like bickering children? Because that would be adorable.
I thought I'd throw out some of my guesses for some of the mystery lines so far.

Is number 6 the Pkunk? I think it's their "did you know there's an invisible pixie on your head?" line.
I thought that 4 was the VUX, but with ZEX's clip as comparison, they don't seem to match completely...hmm. If it's not them, I'm not sure who else it could be...I hear "Ilwrath" in there, but maybe not. Hmm.

NO WAIT I think that 4 is the Ilwrath! What was it, when yer screwing with them with the 'caster.
"It Shall Be So, Great Ones.
Yuubuu Are Mighty!
Yuubuu Are The Most Hideous And Deceitful!
We Ilwrath Are Too Fortunate To Have Yuubuu To Worship!"
That line!

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: bpoint on January 26, 2006, 02:24:42 am
Sadly, I don't seem to remember the story of SC2 very well, so I don't really know what happens when.  I _vaguely_ remember a monster getting loose, though, and this sample is most likely that situation.  *sigh*  Well, I'll have to play through it anyway to get to the text used in the Japanese version!  :)

For those interested:


I transcribed that 30 second clip in about 5 minutes, I guess.  Words marked with a single star (*) are ones I'm not quite sure of, while two stars (**) are ones I'm definitely sure are incorrect.  I'd have to listen to those parts on repeat for a while to make it out... failing that, I could always ask my wife (who is Japanese, of course).  :)

Oh, and I'm guessing くかん (Kukan) is the name of the monster?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Clay on January 26, 2006, 02:43:40 am
I think that "Frungy, Frungy!" is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: bpoint on January 26, 2006, 01:57:01 pm
I had another listen to sample #11 again once I got home.  There are a few things wrong with it, so I'll post the fixed version :)


What I had thought was the monster's name (Kukan) was actually fuku-kan, or "Assistant to" the kanchou (the Captain).  Once I had that figured out, the rest fell into place.

Anyway, I look forward to transcribing the rest of the game.  This is fun!  :)

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on January 26, 2006, 05:25:28 pm
The original text, for comparison, is:

Sub-commander? Why has my main console become inoperative? The transmit mode is locked! What do you mean the central system computer is damaged? How!?... ...the Beast!?... Escaped!! No, Sub-Commander, this is impossible. It couldn't escape from our strongest containment system. IT'S WHAT?!! Decks five and six?! Eleven Crewmen!! Sound the alarms, you fool! Where is it now?! Engineering, report!... Engineering?! Sub-Commander, seal Bulkhe-- Sub-Commander... are you listening to me? What are you staring at? PAY ATTENTION, SUB- COMMANDER! Give me a report on its posit-- WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!... behind me? WH- Wh- what- wh- AIEEEEE!!!!!...

As you can see, ZEX is barking orders at Sub-Commander DAX through most of the sequence. A good way to check the accuracy of your transcription is to compare it to the English text (comm/foo/foo.txt for race foo in the content directory/ZIP).

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: bpoint on January 27, 2006, 01:17:39 am
As you can see, ZEX is barking orders at Sub-Commander DAX through most of the sequence. A good way to check the accuracy of your transcription is to compare it to the English text (comm/foo/foo.txt for race foo in the content directory/ZIP).

Agreed.  Actually, I really need to play through the game again just to refresh my memory on everything...  :)

Title: SC2 in Japanese for UQM
Post by: Liquidus on January 27, 2007, 03:43:59 pm
Sorry to go thread digging, but I just had to.

I would love to help put UQM into Japanese. At first I was going to post saying I'm willing to translate, but then I saw there was already a Japanese version of the 3DO SC2. I wonder if the UQM team has access to the physical text? If so, they could simply chuck it into UQM no hassles. If not, I would be more than willing to re-scribe the in-game script so that it may be easily inserted into UQM. Being a Japanese speaker (like the above poster) it would be easy for me to read the text and simply re-produce it into say, a .txt file.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Neonlare on January 27, 2007, 04:13:35 pm
This is incredible, currently on the first page but, from what I hear, the Japanese dub is better than the American, and I bet they had less time to put it together too!

Maybe, if this were to be implemented into Ur-Quan Masters, we could have the option to have sub-titles in english? That'd be great :).

Ok, read through it all, nooow...

The ZFP I like. I really do like them, the idea of them bickering like children appeals to me greatly.
I thought the ZEX dub was good, until the end bit with the guy making noises into a microphone, couldn't they have used a lions roar or something?

I wanna hear the Japanese Arilou say Faralarafali.

I also wanna hear the Orz more :D.

Impressed with the Yehat and Pkunk voices too, the Yehat sound Samurai-ish whereas the Pkunk sound like Monks or something.

Another thing, did they edit Hayes at all? After all, he is a typical muscular Westerner, and that image doesn't exactly "sell" well to the Japanese, infact, how did the version do out there? Maybe there's a Japanese collective of fans too :D.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on January 27, 2007, 04:38:41 pm
My impression is that the primary problems are:
  • As 3DO SC2 has speech but no text, no text version of the Japanese dialogue is available.
  • The copyright status of the Japanese dialogue is unclear (can we redistribute it?).
From a technical point of view, what needs to be done is:
  • Convert the 3DO speech to Ogg Vorbis (the tools made for the English version should work).
  • Transcribe the speech.
  • Produce timestamp files to synchronise text and speech.
  • Produce a Japanese voice package containing speech and timestamps.
The first and last steps are the easy ones. The middle steps require a bunch of Japanese-speaking volunteers.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 27, 2007, 04:52:14 pm
As with the English 3DO version, the Japanese 3DO version of UQM does not contain subtitles for the alien speech. So they'd need to be transcribed from the audio.
Also, there are no Japanese fonts for the alien speech.
The subtitles would also need to be synchronised to the audio.

We could use the fonts used for the captain's speech for the aliens (at least to start with), but transcribing the voice, and synching the subtitles to the voice is no small job, considering that there are 12 hours of speech. It sounds like something that is better done by a team, instead of by a single person.

As for subtitles in English, this is possible, but it isn't as easy as taking the English subtitles and playing them along with the Japanese speech. They would need to be synchronised for the Japanese speech, and there would also inevitably be differences in what is actually said.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 27, 2007, 04:58:17 pm
It seems that Novus was quicker. An additional remark:
I just sent an email to TFB asking about the copyright status of the Japanese stuff. Even if we don't have permission, we could still provide the subtitles and the tools for people who have the actual Japanese 3DO CD to create their own voice package.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Neonlare on January 27, 2007, 08:09:49 pm
Well, we should do what every Western Comapny does to do well in Japan...

That's right. You know what...

We should anime-ize the com link pictures, that'll show them...

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on January 27, 2007, 08:29:52 pm
Even if we don't have permission, we could still provide the subtitles and the tools for people who have the actual Japanese 3DO CD to create their own voice package.
Are you sure? The subtitles would be a derivative work of the Japanese speech, not (just) the original text.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 27, 2007, 08:58:15 pm
Hmm... good point. I don't know actually. And ofcourse, with any "is it allowed?" question, it depends on what country you're in.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on January 29, 2007, 06:14:17 am
Out of curiosity, does SC2j have a cast list, and if so, who did the voice work?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 30, 2007, 12:53:52 am
It probably has, but I can't read Japanese.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on January 31, 2007, 06:51:27 am
How long do you plan to wait for a response from TFB?  Are there any plans to release it if you don't hear from them by then?

A suggestion, Make the language option for voice and subtitles separate.  That way, you can release the JP voice track sooner (assuming the JP script is essentially identical to the EN script).  You can still release the subtitle script when it's done.

BTW, was 3DO SC2 released in any other languages?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 31, 2007, 02:31:03 pm
If I don't hear from TFB, I'd probably just let it go for now until there's an occasion to send them another mail. That is, unless there are people actually waiting on an answer to do the translations.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on January 31, 2007, 02:59:04 pm
A suggestion, Make the language option for voice and subtitles separate.  That way, you can release the JP voice track sooner (assuming the JP script is essentially identical to the EN script).  You can still release the subtitle script when it's done.
In the short term, at least, the Japanese content can be handled as an expansion package (like the UQM translations). Adding the voice data (and leaving the rest of the game in English) works fine as long as you don't want any subtitles. You can also have English subtitles if someone generates subtitle timestamp data (this basically involves listening to the speech and pressing a key when the subtitles should switch to the next line; several times to get it right). The tricky part is that the timestamp data depends on where the line breaks in the text are and on the timing of the speech; unlike a movie, SC2 doesn't require the translated speech to be timed to the on-screen action (the action is timed to the speech instead). Unless the Japanese text can be divided into screens at exactly the same points as the English text (possible if the Japanese font is small enough and the split points still make sense), the timestamp data would depend both on the speech you use and on the text you use.

It may be a good idea to ask TFB if they or anyone they know have the Japanese text lying around somewhere (I expect meep-eep has already done this). I doubt the Japanese voice team were improvising or reading the English text. ;)

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on January 31, 2007, 05:42:04 pm
No, I haven't asked them whether they have the Japanese text lying around. These guys are notoriously bad in responding to email, so I try to improve my chances of a speedy reply by sticking to a few lines. Besides, I didn't think of it at the time.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on February 06, 2007, 12:02:14 pm
Heard anything yet?  About how long does it take them to reply when they do?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on February 06, 2007, 03:36:43 pm
If they respond, it's usually quickly. But about half of the time, they don't respond at all.
I'll send another mail.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on February 06, 2007, 07:34:22 pm
I have received a reply, which raised more questions than it answered. I just sent another email asking for more information. I'll let you know when I know more.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on February 06, 2007, 08:08:35 pm
I have an answer.
As they've said before that they want to make games, not mess with legal stuff (for which I can't blame them), I'm not entirely surprised by Paul's response.
It appears that they do not know for sure whether they own all the Japanese stuff, but to the extend that they can give us permission to use the Japanese VO, we have it. I'll have to ask again about the fonts, which he didn't mention in his reply.
And something about polar bears.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on February 07, 2007, 12:45:28 am
I have an answer.
As they've said before that they want to make games, not mess with legal stuff (for which I can't blame them), I'm not entirely surprised by Paul's response.
It appears that they do not know for sure whether they own all the Japanese stuff, but to the extend that they can give us permission to use the Japanese VO, we have it. I'll have to ask again about the fonts, which he didn't mention in his reply.
And something about polar bears.

I presume by 'VO' you mean speech.  As for fonts, if anything new fonts can be made in its place.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on February 07, 2007, 10:13:51 am
I presume by 'VO' you mean speech.
Yes. "VO" is short for "voice-over".

As for fonts, if anything new fonts can be made in its place.
There are lots of Japanese fonts available with licenses that allow inclusion in UQM, so getting replacement fonts shouldn't be a problem. Meep-eep is probably worried about the fonts included in 3DO SC2, which may be licensed only for use on the 3DO or something like that.

The problem here is that TFB apparently doesn't know or care whether they actually own any of the Japanese content. Could someone with a copy of the Japanese version (and the ability to read Japanese!) check it (and its manual) for copyright notices and credits? That would at least give us another starting point in sorting this mess out.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on February 07, 2007, 08:52:32 pm
I've got Paul's permission to quote his emails verbatim, so here goes:

My original question:

Just a quick question: Do you have the rights to the voices and fonts of
the Japanese release of SC2 for the 3DO, and if so, do we have your
permission to distribute them like we distribute the English ones?



His reply:
Hi Serge,

Man, I don't really know the answer to that question -- especially the
Japanese font -- because we contracted the Japanese version to Free Fall
Games, and I don't know what kind of legal encumberances might exist.  I
don't think anyone on the planet will give you a hard time about using
the VO and font though, but that's just my opinion.

Hope that helps!

- Paul

My reply:
Hi Paul,

On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, Reiche, Paul wrote:
> Man, I don't really know the answer to that question -- especially the

> Japanese font -- because we contracted the Japanese version to Free
> Fall Games, and I don't know what kind of legal encumberances might
> exist.  I don't think anyone on the planet will give you a hard time
> about using the VO and font though, but that's just my opinion.

I realise that with legal matters there is no problem if nobody makes a
problem out of it, but I consider it a courtesy to ask for permission if
that is at all possible.

And we wouldn't only want to distribute those files ourselves, but also
to be able to give people permission to redistribute the files,
preferably under the same license as the English files.

You say that you contracted the Japanese version to Free Fall Games;
does that mean that you hired them to make the Japanese version, or did
they license the game from you to make the translation?



His reply:
It gets a little complicated... and kinda ironic...

Accolade licensed Star Control II to Crystal Dynamics so that Fred and I
could make a 3DO version (funny, huh?)  Crystal Dynamics then paid Fred,
myself and other 3rd party contractors to create the 3DO versions.  Does
Crystal therefore have some 'performance' rights in the recordings of
both Japanese and English VO?  Good question!  That would depend on the
specific details of the agreement between Accolade and Crystal Dynamics,
which I don't know exactly.  Most such licenses require that any 'new
rights' created while exploiting the license are automatically
transferred to the license owner (Accolade), however all copyrights for
Star Control II belong to Fred and myself, so it is likely that we do in
fact control the rights to the VO.  At least that's the way I see it,
but I am infamous for my 'creative' interpretations of reality.
Sometime ask Fred about my polar bear theory.

To the extent that Fred and I can permit you to use the Japanese
recorded VO, we hereby do so!


- Paul (Universe 17, Galaxy 356, planet 4)

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: countchocula86 on February 08, 2007, 03:10:12 am
Sigh, the more languages we can get UQM into, the more fans we can get. And then we can take over the world!, get a sequel....either or.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Novus on February 08, 2007, 02:24:56 pm
Paul's responses raise more questions than they answer: Who hired the voice actors? If TFB hired them (including the Japanese actors), they probably own the copyright on the voice (unless Japanese copyright law and/or some contract says otherwise). What rights did TFB sign away to Accolade and Crystal Dynamics?

All things considered, it wouldn't surprise me much if UQM in its current form were found to be in violation of Crystal Dynamics' and/or Accolade's copyright (whoever owns them now).

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on February 08, 2007, 10:53:16 pm
Paul's responses raise more questions than they answer: Who hired the voice actors? If TFB hired them (including the Japanese actors), they probably own the copyright on the voice (unless Japanese copyright law and/or some contract says otherwise). What rights did TFB sign away to Accolade and Crystal Dynamics?

All things considered, it wouldn't surprise me much if UQM in its current form were found to be in violation of Crystal Dynamics' and/or Accolade's copyright (whoever owns them now).

Accolade is dead, they shut their doors permanently in 2001.  The "Star Control" name is technically Atari's (who were formerly known as Infogrames), but the code base and all related media (except the movies) reverted back to TFB due to Accolade defaulting on royalty payments.  (And Accolade probably didn't make its payments because they were on the brink of bankruptcy at the time.)
Crystal Dynamics only has a claim to the movies, and Crystal Dynamics is now a part of SCi (who acquired them when they took over Eidos).

So basically the only things that aren't TFB's are the movies and the "Star Control" name.

BTW, has anyone contacted SCi to verify they do hold the rights to the movies?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: countchocula86 on February 08, 2007, 11:23:24 pm
Thats kinda funny, all this corporate juggling.

Hey, those guys are trying to use our SC2 material, sue them!
Wait a second, who owns the stuff?
 I thought it was you...

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Aya Reiko on February 09, 2007, 09:44:24 pm
Thats kinda funny, all this corporate juggling.

Hey, those guys are trying to use our SC2 material, sue them!
Wait a second, who owns the stuff?
 I thought it was you...

True, though we do know TFB owns most of the SC1 and SC2 material, the rights to the rest has been shuffled around so much that even the legitimate rights holder probably doesn't know they have them.

BTW, does anyone know what other languages SC2 was dubbed in?  Or were Japanese and English the only languages it was dubbed in?

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Liquidus on February 10, 2007, 12:15:20 am
I'm willing to help with anything Japanese-related that may come up, and I'm sure there are a couple of others on this forum too. I don't check here very often, so drop me an email when/if something comes up :D

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: Pyleic on February 02, 2012, 12:47:33 am
Much as I hate to dredge up such an ancient behemoth, since this is the only SC2j thread with any appreciable amount of information, I have to ask;

It's been five years, is there any progress? I can only dream of playing SC2 in my favourite language.

Title: Re: SC2 in Japanese
Post by: meep-eep on February 02, 2012, 05:45:21 pm
It is no problem to reply on a thread this old.
However, unfortunately, there has been no progress on a Japanese version of UQM.