The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Deus Siddis on February 23, 2005, 12:56:21 am

Title: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Deus Siddis on February 23, 2005, 12:56:21 am
I blew it up, but now what? Your precursor ship is toast, your allies are severally weakened, the Ur-Quan of both factions are everywhere, Earth is still under a slave shield and all your enemies are REALLY pissed.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: CptWinky on February 23, 2005, 01:48:51 am
The Sa-Matra was a Precursor relic and a very powerful orbital assault platform, and its loss also meant the loss of a lot of the Ur-Quan's and Kohr-Ah's offensive capabilities.  The fact that your buddy the Dnyarri managed to send almost all of the fleet guarding it away probably scared the hell out of the Ur-Quan--they didn't expect to ever again meet a fully capable Dnyarri.  (He got blown up, of course, but they don't know that more Dnyarri aren't out there.)  And since most of the Hierarchy's battle thralls chose to fight only because being a thrall was slightly preferable to being trapped under a slave shield, some of them would see this as a sign to rebel against their masters.  Doesn't mean they'd get along well with the Earthlings (the VUX and the notoriously fickle Umgah for example) but at least they wouldn't be on the side of the Ur-Quan.

Which reminds me, I'd really like to see the ending movie (I've only played UQM and not the original SC2).

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: sly_not_home on February 23, 2005, 02:04:35 am
you get to see the future and learn that the eternal ones are coming!
you need to do rainbow cleaning 8)

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Fossaman on February 23, 2005, 02:07:00 am
I think the main idea is that the Chmmr are going to come along and finish them all off, but I'm not sure.

I would say that the Umgah would probably just leave and goof off, in the game they mention that being a battle thrall is inconvenient for playing practical jokes.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: 0xDEC0DE on February 23, 2005, 02:33:49 am
You could always download the bleeding-edge version of the game and see for yourselves :)

Of course, you'll need to install some new content in order to see the intro and ending, I've made it available here:

Note to meep-eep:  it might be of some use to have snapshots that include altered content become "sticky" on that list, so that people can go get all the incremental content updates they might need without needing CVS.  As it stands now, content updates fall off the edge of the world once the codebase sees enough activity.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 25, 2005, 06:42:24 pm
New World Order established by the Chmmr, probably. Don't forget that the Chmmr really can be a match for both Ur-Quan fleets if given the opportunity to develop their forces, once the Sa-Matra is destroyed.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: FalconMWC on February 25, 2005, 08:17:31 pm
Correct - The Chmmr have the power to take out the ur-quan. They even said that they have enough power to take out the Sa-Matra.


when the process is complete, we will crack the ur-quan slave shield
and emerge from our chrysalis like a winged insect unleashed from its cocoon
then we will be ready and able to deal with the ur-quan, their battle thralls
and their dreaded sa-matra.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Arne on February 25, 2005, 11:40:41 pm
Weren't the Chmmr 'hatched' prematurely, and are thus not fully developed? Or did the light thing speed up the development process?

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Deus Siddis on February 26, 2005, 06:02:57 am
Are there still pure Chenjesu left, or are they all Chmmr by the end of the game?

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 26, 2005, 10:08:08 am
Correct - The Chmmr have the power to take out the ur-quan. They even said that they have enough power to take out the Sa-Matra.

Well... sort of. I take that to mean they'll be ready to reopen the war and implement a *plan* to take out the Sa-Matra, not that a fleet of Avatars could beat the Sa-Matra in full-on combat (unless, I guess, they had an enormous fleet with overwhelming force). Nothing you can do with Avatars in the game can stop the Sa-Matra, after all -- if there were some way around having to do a kamikaze attack with the Vindicator they'd probably have done it -- but there isn't, so goodbye incredibly valuable and expensive Precursor ship.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 26, 2005, 10:12:02 am
Weren't the Chmmr 'hatched' prematurely, and are thus not fully developed? Or did the light thing speed up the development process?

The Process was *finished*, but rushed -- the Chmmr are a distorted version of what they were originally intended to be because the Process had been accelerated so much. It's not clear exactly what this means, but though the Chmmr certainly seem powerful and confident, don't you feel like there's something... off about them? They get all shouty and ALL CAPS and cavalier and bold and reckless.

*YOU MUST BLOW UP YOUR SHIP AND EVERYTHING ON IT*. ."Oh. Is there any way that I--" *NO.* "But--but what about my crew?" *FINE, WE'LL GIVE YOU AN ESCAPE POD. NOW GO.* "But I--" [gets forcibly zipped back to Starbase]

And it's made pretty clear, I think, that the Process is a planetwide thing. No pure Chenjesu or Mmrnmhrm left. I would've liked to see what they would've done with it in a sequel -- I don't really like the idea of Chmmr as villains, but I do feel they would have ended up having some kind of crisis. (I mean, if they didn't, there's no story; unless something goes wrong with the Chmmr they're more than powerful enough to keep the peace and maintain social order, and there's no reason for the Captain to go crusading about.)

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Megagun on February 26, 2005, 04:11:05 pm
Ending Sequence:
Following the destruction of the Sa-Matra battle platform... the fleets of the Ur-Quan and the Kohr-Ah had fallen into chaos... and had been vanquished by Chmmr forces and allied starships.

So there you have it: The Chmmr Agnigilated them all!

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Fossaman on February 27, 2005, 02:57:55 am
It seems like they could find SOME way for some Chmmr and Mrrnmhrmm to have survived. After all, the sun device shouldn't be able to power the stuff on the other side of the planet...unless they have a worldwide power distribution system...

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Arne on February 27, 2005, 06:00:54 am
The universe is pretty large. The Thraddash were pretty keen on exploring, so they probably have a few stray ships out there. I'm assuming all races do, except for the hermit ones.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 27, 2005, 10:34:17 am
It seems like they could find SOME way for some Chmmr and Mrrnmhrmm to have survived. After all, the sun device shouldn't be able to power the stuff on the other side of the planet...unless they have a worldwide power distribution system...

Um, planets rotate, dude. The actual Sun does a pretty good job of powering all the plants all over the surface of our planet.

There is absolutely nothing that says the Sun Device is in a geosynchronous orbit. As long as the Sun Device's revolution period around the planet is not perfectly in sync with the planet's rotation period the whole planet *will* be bathed in radiation.

Anyway, why would they *want* to find some way for Chenjesu (not Chmmr -- Chmmr are the finished product) and Mmrnmhrm to survive? The point was that the Chmmr would be an improvement over both races. For the Mmrnmhrm it was their only means of survival, because in their natural state they were incapable of reproduction. And the Chenjesu supposedly thought becoming the Chmmr would be the only way to accelerate their stagnant form of evolution.

Sure, there could be holdouts kept un-Processed somewhere just in case. But there are a lot of things to indicate that the Process is meant to be a worldwide affair -- the fact that it *is* powered by the Sun and is done so almost automatically, so that any sunlight hitting the planet's surface affects the Process, for example.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 27, 2005, 10:35:53 am
Ending Sequence:

So there you have it: The Chmmr Agnigilated them all!

Ugh, can you say "anticlimax"?

"Vanquish" can, metaphorically, mean to defeat and chase away, rather than utterly destroy. In this case I prefer the 3DO ending sequence which specifically says the combined Ur-Quan fleets "high-tailed it to the Magellanic Clouds", a refuge really really far away compared to anything in the galaxy but still in the region, where they could cause problems in the future but for now have left the Alliance free to rebuild itself.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Cronos on February 27, 2005, 01:49:41 pm
I like the 3DO ending too.

Still, I'd like to think that the Ur-Quan have only headed in the general direction of the Maggelanic clouds (Edge of the galactic disk, so-to-speak,or perhaps closer to the core, depending on the hyperspatial relationship of the Maggelanic clouds and our sector of space) to rebuild their strength.

Think about it, the Ur-Quan havent had a "Real" threat since the Dnyarri 20,000 years ago. It seems (to my thinking at least) that the Ur-Quan bore the brunt of the Chmmr offensive with overconfidence and both sides got plastered as a result. With their ego shattered and confidence smashed, they made a strategic retreat, knowing that the Chmmr would have trouble keeping the peace in a region as large as our sector of space let alone to chase the remnants of the Quan fleet.

It's likely that the Ur-Quan, faced with the first real threat to their freedom and superiority in 20 millenia are joining forces for once and casting their relative doctrines aside (at least for now) and are rebuilding their strength as well as coming up with a new plan for dealing with the Chmmr and their allies.

Of course the Druuge arent sitting idly by. The space off the edge of the map is rich mining territory. They hate the alliance because they essentially destroy their business but maintain a facade (however see-through) of neutrality. All the while building up their strength for their own nefarious purposes...

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: CptWinky on February 27, 2005, 11:21:39 pm
Okay, I got the bleeding-edge version of UQM for Windows and saw the intro and ending, and I must say it was pretty sweet.  I haven't noticed any bugs in that version so far.

As for the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm, I like to think that there are a handful of their colonies and starships stranded throughout space, if only because that would allow the captain to pick them up and add them to his fleet.   I think the X-form is a better ship overall than the Chmmr Avatar.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Strange_Will on February 28, 2005, 12:00:51 am
The one thing that made me the most mad was the whole "Hyperspace collapsing" story... and this weird bubble ship that like created it's own hyperspace bubble and had to find out what was causing it....

Thats SC3 if I remember =\ (never played it but I have read many storylines before again and again)

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 28, 2005, 06:20:46 am
The explanation of the Hyperspace collapse is actually one of the cool parts of SC3. Lots of uncool parts, though.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Strange_Will on February 28, 2005, 06:50:40 pm
ah I just felt that it was oh so convient that right after the Sa-matra was destroyed hyperspace just goes "bloop" and is gone.... and then we magically invent some kind of hyper-bubble producing ship (maybe better if say... a drive that was invented that took you to quasi-space)

I kinda want to play it just to get the storyline... cant be more than like a dollar :P

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Art on February 28, 2005, 07:27:05 pm
The thing is that these "convenient" things *are* actually explained, eventually, in the game, and they do kind of make sense. But yeah, not worth buying the game for.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Strange_Will on March 02, 2005, 04:59:28 am
You could always download the bleeding-edge version of the game and see for yourselves :)

Of course, you'll need to install some new content in order to see the intro and ending, I've made it available here:

Note to meep-eep:  it might be of some use to have snapshots that include altered content become "sticky" on that list, so that people can go get all the incremental content updates they might need without needing CVS.  As it stands now, content updates fall off the edge of the world once the codebase sees enough activity.

I downloaded that but I have no intro movie =\

I placed everything in the correct places, replaced the .exe and put the .zip into the folder where the other are =\

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: meep-eep on March 02, 2005, 05:39:44 am
Note to meep-eep:  it might be of some use to have snapshots that include altered content become "sticky" on that list, so that people can go get all the incremental content updates they might need without needing CVS.  As it stands now, content updates fall off the edge of the world once the codebase sees enough activity.

That was actually a bug (some sub-program which wasn't in the PATH when run from cron). It should be fixed now.

Those who want to run an up-to-date version should download both the executable and the content from They are generated at the same time, so they will always be synchronised.
Do not remove your old file, just place the content update you get from this page alongside it. Do not unzip it either.

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Strange_Will on March 02, 2005, 07:12:58 am
uqm-cvs-20050227.1600.tar.gz [N/A]

I see NA as content package =\

I downloaded it but I have no intro movie =\

Title: Re: What happens after you destroy the Sa-Matra?
Post by: Strange_Will on March 02, 2005, 07:18:56 am
nevermind it started workin somehow