The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Inflatable Beer Tent on May 05, 2005, 02:32:28 am

Title: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: Inflatable Beer Tent on May 05, 2005, 02:32:28 am
Who here played Star Flight for the GENS? It was one of my favorite games when i was young (made me go a month with it in my nameless games to get roms for.)
I noticed the SC2 planet explore part isnt as intresting, and rewarding as the one in star flight, in which yor ship was exposed to the planet's surface, although it suffered no damage, and you had your ATV to explore, scan, stun life, drown, dig, load life in hold, and haul it all back to the ship, the Lander just drives, runs over disks and deposets and kills life, and is weaker, within a more dangerous area (with the ATV, you do a really stupid thing, and you lost your armour, and have round 25% damage)
There are good things in both games, The planets are more dangerous, and the lander is weaker (starting off) but the ATV has to dig, it moves diffrently, and can be more vunerable to the terrable hazards of planet exploration if left too far from the ship.

so, how hard is it if i did this...
The flagship will land on the planet, and you have a choice of leaving the atmosphere, or deploying the lander/ATV.
Surface scans are taken from space, these scan for life and energy.
Mineral scan is taken from the lander/ATV and only scans the screen.
Planets have slower earthquakes that are 5x(or 10) larger. (slow enough so that is is just a little faster than your lander/ATV, but with the speed upgrade, they wont be a problem)
Wind hazard that pushes your lander/ATV in a random direction
Lander/ATV scans for underground minerals, and will have to dig to obtain these deposets, you can get up to 5 hits(pickups) of the mineral underground.
Minerals will be the same (Base, Radioactive, Precious, Exotic, ect)
possably more

how hard would it be to do that?

Title: Re: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: michael on May 05, 2005, 04:27:38 am
It wouldn't be true to the game and as such I doubt they will do it.

Title: Re: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: IBT on May 05, 2005, 06:47:41 am
It wouldn't be true to the game and as such I doubt they will do it.

Not they... i'm talking your common idiot here (me)

Title: Re: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: Shiver on May 05, 2005, 07:39:43 am
I think that would be a cool modification to add later, but most people seem to be more interested in adding difficulty to the story game or changing melee around.

Title: Re: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: Halleck on May 05, 2005, 07:59:03 am
Interesting idea... yeah, I remember the ATV from starflight, it would be awesome to have a mod for UQM. I have no idea how hard it would be to code.

Title: Re: I'm back, with a question.
Post by: IBT on May 10, 2005, 01:28:55 am
sry for late reply
I C, Well, thx anyway, but, out of curiosity, is it just me, or do they not update much? do they have a lot of RL things going on? or are they just trying to sort out every bug they find while they are making it? not trying to be mean or anything.