Title: keyboard controls Post by: Rabenstrange, Mike Holmes on May 13, 2005, 03:02:13 am I have just started playing UQM for the first time and I am having trouble deciphering the commands.
Is there a list of keyboard commands available somewhere? I have figured out how to navigate and fire but I am stuck because I can't figure out how to recall a lander. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Rabenstrange Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: shishkabab on May 13, 2005, 03:17:26 am use esc to call back your lander, u can also use that to warp out with your ship if u encounter an enemy ship u dont wanna fight (waste 10 fule)
shift + ctrl is for using space marines iwith the orz nemasis. space is for selling things in the starbase and skip a chat while some1 els beside u talk with u (not recommanded unless its a probe) Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: Defender on May 13, 2005, 06:47:09 am GENERAL GAME CONTROLS SUMMARY
F1 Pause game F10 Exit game F12 Emergency exit FULL GAME CONTROLS SUMMARY Space flight UP or ENTER: Thrust LEFT and RIGHT: Steer SPACE: Main menu Menus Arrow Keys: Scroll through selections ENTER: Make selection SPACE: Up one level Conversations LEFT and RIGHT: Rewind/Forward UP and DOWN: Scroll through selections ENTER: Make selection SPACE: Skip, Show/Hide summary Star Map Arrow Keys: Move the crosshair ENTER: Select destination SPACE: Main menu Keypad +: Zoom in Keypad -: Zoom out Space Combat UP or ENTER: Thrust LEFT and RIGHT: Steer RIGHT SHIFT: Fire Primary Weapon RIGHT CTRL: Fire Secondary Weapon ESCAPE: Emergency Warp Escape Planet Exploration UP or ENTER: Forward LEFT and RIGHT: Steer RIGHT SHIFT: Fire stun bolt ESCAPE: Blast off MELEE CONTROLS SUMMARY Top Player E: Thrust S and F: Steer Q: Fire Primary Weapon A: Fire Secondary Weapon Bottom Player UP or ENTER: Thrust LEFT and RIGHT: Steer RIGHT SHIFT: Fire Primary Weapon RIGHT CTRL: Fire Secondary Weapon These controls are configurable by editing the keys.cfg file which will be automatically generated in your personal directory for uqm data the first time you start the game. The location of this directory varies per system. On Microsoft Windows systems this is a folder named 'uqm' in the application data folder for the current user. This is usually in one of the following locations: - "C:\Windows\Application Data\" (Windows 95, 98, SE without separate users) - "C:\Windows\Profiles\YourName\Application Data\" (Windows 95/98/SE with separate users) - "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\" (Windows NT/2k/XP) On Unix systems this personal uqm data is stored in "~/.uqm". Later versions of The Ur-Quan Masters will include a key configuration tool. In the meantime, the keys.cfg has a bunch of comments in it that should help you set up your joystick and remap key controls to your satisfaction. Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: Rabenstrange on May 13, 2005, 07:16:28 am Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: upchurch231 on January 28, 2013, 11:54:15 pm I am having a keyboard Issue. I am using a new Mac laptop and I am able to use all controls except for when Im using the lander on a planet. I can't seem to get the lander to shoot. I looked under the settings and have tried switching the fire button to different keys but still I cant seem to get it to fire. I have played before on a PC and i remember being able to shoot with the lander. What key is it to fire with the lander?
Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: unstoppable_alliance on December 09, 2017, 04:21:00 am Could this control setup be any more confusing!?!? I can't figure it out... i want to play mele against the computer. I am not seeing a joystick link for a "thrust" button and i can't even start a mele. If i do try to start a mele i can't get the mele to start, i can't even get out of the ship select menu. I have to cntrl alt delete the game to get out of the ship select screen.
Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: JHGuitarFreak on December 09, 2017, 05:07:31 am Arrow keys control direction.
Right CTRL and Enter are primary fire and action key Right Shift is the secondary weapon and the "back" key Right Alt is the "special" key. Serves no purpose except to display ship information Escape is the main "get out of here" key for in-game actions F10 is the quit key. Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: unstoppable_alliance on December 12, 2017, 01:07:28 am so can i use a joypad for full control in super melee? this is very confusing. I can get the joypad to move the cursor around to select ships but i cant get the melee to start with any button. there is no define "thrust" button in the define buttons, only define "escape". I am assuming that because of these flaws in the software, there is actually no way to start and play super melee with a joypad, is this true or not. By the way i have seen many other players complaining about this problem.
Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: Death 999 on December 12, 2017, 04:49:31 pm so can i use a joypad for full control in super melee? this is very confusing. I can get the joypad to move the cursor around to select ships but i cant get the melee to start with any button. there is no define "thrust" button in the define buttons, only define "escape". I am assuming that because of these flaws in the software, there is actually no way to start and play super melee with a joypad, is this true or not. By the way i have seen many other players complaining about this problem. 'Up' should be thrust. I would have thought that Player 1's 'Weapon' input would activate menu items, including the melee. Title: Re: keyboard controls Post by: CelticMinstrel on December 19, 2017, 05:17:53 am Later versions of The Ur-Quan Masters will include a key configuration This sure is out-of-date. Every version I've ever had on my computer already had the key configuration options in settings (though it might be missing one or two keys).tool. In the meantime, the keys.cfg has a bunch of comments in it that should help you set up your joystick and remap key controls to your satisfaction. |