The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Starbase Café => Topic started by: Megagun on May 25, 2005, 07:45:10 pm

Title: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Megagun on May 25, 2005, 07:45:10 pm
Yet Another Favorite Sci-Fi .... thread!
Favorite ship!

Mine just got to be the Chmmr Avatar...
It's big..
It's shiny..
It's got these nice red lines and nice blue windows..
It's got a combination of bots and crystals..
And it's got a damn nice and fearsome weapon..
And on top of that, there are also these nice, three ZapSats..

And if it ain't the Avatar, it's got to be.....
The Death Star ("Sphere o' Fear")!!!!!

Just got to love that big green blast!

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on May 25, 2005, 07:59:35 pm
I'd say it would have to be the original Enterprise of Star Trek
fame. Such an odd shape, but by golly it would take
a beating.

Title: Intrepid
Post by: Deus Siddis on May 25, 2005, 08:43:31 pm
Nah, the enterprise is too lanky. It would never hold up, which is why they need their energy bubble so badly.

My favorite is that cool fork-shaped ship from starflight (the one on the cover). That's why it's my current avatar. Hehe, my avatar can beat your avatar.

Second place goes to the Sulaco from Aliens.

Third place goes to all the Star Destroyer shaped craft in the SW universe. Wedges are cool.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Lukipela on May 25, 2005, 08:53:54 pm
TIE Interceptor (if memory serves corrrectly). A souped up TiIE Fighter with more speed and firepower, but the lack of shields keeps your flight exciting!

Possibly the Voyager as well. Whilst pretty much your run of the mill Star Trek ship, it's impressive nonetheless.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: harth1026 on May 25, 2005, 10:59:42 pm
The SDF-1 of Robotech: The Macross Saga.  Nothing says lovin' when a 3/4 mile long ship fires its main cannon that's capable of taking down a small fleet in one shot.  

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Death 999 on May 25, 2005, 11:07:42 pm
Luki, your memory is doing fine.

I like the Enterprise refit a lot.

I also like the Star Fury from B5, if only because it was a star fighter which actually properly used newtonian mechanics in fights.

the B-wing fighter from RotJ

I also like the Broodhome.

Shuffle these around in no particular order.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: 0xDEC0DE on May 26, 2005, 12:03:48 am
The SDF-1 of Robotech: The Macross Saga.  Nothing says lovin' when a 3/4 mile long ship fires its main cannon that's capable of taking down a small fleet in one shot.  

Hear, hear!  Although I thought the Zentraedi ships looked much more badass; and they had enough of them to lay waste to the entire Earth!  That's got to count for something, right?  ;)

I also like the Star Fury from B5, if only because it was a star fighter which actually properly used newtonian mechanics in fights.

Fun fact:  According to Joe Straczynski, some big-brained engineers at NASA were trying to come up with a design for a "service vehicle" for space stations, and they decided that the Starfury was the optimal design (minus the guns, of course).  So they asked JMS if they could use his design, and he said "yes, BUT YOU HAVE TO CALL IT A STARFURY."  So in the next 10-60 years, you'll likely see photos of real-life Starfuries coming out of NASA.  Neat, eh?

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Lukipela on May 26, 2005, 12:15:08 am

Fun fact:  According to Joe Straczynski, some big-brained engineers at NASA were trying to come up with a design for a "service vehicle" for space stations, and they decided that the Starfury was the optimal design (minus the guns, of course).  So they asked JMS if they could use his design, and he said "yes, BUT YOU HAVE TO CALL IT A STARFURY."  So in the next 10-60 years, you'll likely see photos of real-life Starfuries coming out of NASA.  Neat, eh?

Minus the guns eh? I think NASA might find some nice stuff to slap ontot that bird, courtesy of the Goverment... Can you imagine parking outside of Mir with your weapons armed and demanding entry.

Oh.. wait. Mir fell down, didn't it? Damn, there goes another brilliant idea.

Seriously though, that is waay neat. I hereby declare it one of my new goals in life... To be a passenger in a Starfury.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: GeomanNL on May 26, 2005, 02:39:59 am
I like lots of ships, but I think the Cylon Basestars from Battlestar Galactica are among the best.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 02:55:27 am
"Seriously though, that is waay neat. I hereby declare it one of my new goals in life... To be a passenger in a Starfury."

You want to ride around in a repair pod? That is your dream? I wonder what your hobbies are. Perhaps book refinnishing or cat dentistry.

I guess it's better than pickin' up rocks in your vibrationless space tractor. :P

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Arne on May 26, 2005, 09:43:18 am
I'm leaning towards the TIE Interceptor ( aswell. It's up there on my top 10 list anyways, along with the Borg cube and Sulaco of course. ASP explorer is sweet too!

Edit : ASP explorer paper model ( Couldn't find a screenshot of the Amiga version, the PC version has ugly textures.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Culture20 on May 26, 2005, 10:14:33 am
The Starship Bistromath.  The only really good in-flight meal.   ::)

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 11:23:03 am

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Zieman on May 27, 2005, 01:42:30 am
Stanislaw Lem's 'Invincible' (in a book with the same name).

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Defender on May 27, 2005, 06:53:15 am
the Defiant, of course ;D

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Arne on May 27, 2005, 07:58:24 am
The nice thing about the Elite ships is that they're very simple in design compared to most ships in scifi. Sadly they went a little nuts in the third game, and the PC version sort of ruined the stylistic polygon approach with textures.. Here's a Java thing ( (3D). Crazy colors though. In the Amiga version of Frontier the ASP explorer was gret and dark grey I think.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Lukipela on May 28, 2005, 01:28:29 am
"Seriously though, that is waay neat. I hereby declare it one of my new goals in life... To be a passenger in a Starfury."

You want to ride around in a repair pod? That is your dream? I wonder what your hobbies are. Perhaps book refinnishing or cat dentistry.

I guess it's better than pickin' up rocks in your vibrationless space tractor. :P

I'll make sure to send you a postcard from space, you picky planetbound perp. And if you look up at Mars one day, and find that someone riding a fantastic space-tractor has carved a rather rude message into the surface, it wasn't me.

Aside from that, this gives me an idea for the sci-fi vechicles thread.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Slylendro|nh on May 28, 2005, 09:32:58 am
The first ones from Sigma957(Babylon5) and the Chmmr.
I like detailed ships(detailed by effects not mesh)

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Razorback on June 10, 2005, 01:45:18 am
I really like the Enterprise-A as well.  Those older Starfleet ships could really take a pounding!  Ever notice how quick the D was to go "pop" in comparison?   ;D  Other than that one, I like the looks of the big battlecruisers that were used in B5, the Agamemnon and the like.

Title: Against All Odds.
Post by: Deus Siddis on June 10, 2005, 02:05:03 am
"I'll make sure to send you a postcard from space, you picky planetbound perp."

Just as long as I don't have to pay the postage. I have to wonder what the per ounce cost is to send something between the two planets.

"And if you look up at Mars one day, and find that someone riding a fantastic space-tractor has carved a rather rude message into the surface, it wasn't me."

My eyesight is not quiet good enough for that, I'm afraid. To me mars looks like a red spot. Perhaps if I had a telescope, though it will still have to be very big and would be difficult to make, with all the permits you'd have to get from the martians.

It's a good idea though. If I were living back in the day, it would not have been a face that was carved into the martian crust. :D

"I really like the Enterprise-A as well."

Yea, the refit wasn't bad.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: jack_cloudy on June 12, 2005, 01:17:53 am
My favorite sci-fi ships are these (at the moments offcourse, you never know when something totally awesome shows up on television.)

Cobra MIII: I just love its design in the third elite game, especially the one with the teeth. :)

Asp explorer: Fast, big firepower and looks that are beatiful in its simplicity, what more could you want? :D

Boa: The most beatiful tradingship in the elite series.

Uhleck warship: This one is from starflight. Fast, beautiful, lots of shields and armour and the most damaging weapon in said game, plasmabolts.

Black Hole: True, this one is from my imagination, but take a race that's from the previous galaxy (ie the galaxy that existed before ours. So they had a couple billion years to develop their technology) let them built a ten kilometres long warship with four planet destroying beams, thousands of turrets, missile launchers, robotic fighters, and an engine that can cruise trough the galaxy like its just a few metres big, and you've got one hell of a ship that I would just love to fly someday. To bad that this is just wishful thinking on my part. :'(

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Culture20 on June 12, 2005, 08:46:11 am
Not my official favorite (see above), but the Magog Worldship from Andromeda is interesting.  Several planets joined together by bars around a small star, which fires mini-black holes.

Here's my theory on how it is propelled; spoiler texted for those who haven't watched the series:
Stars in the Andromeda universe are living beings (Trance Gemeni), and can move.  The star at the center of the magog worldship is what created the magog, and what moves the "ship"

Title: Re: Against All Odds.
Post by: Lukipela on June 13, 2005, 11:47:01 pm
"I'll make sure to send you a postcard from space, you picky planetbound perp."

Just as long as I don't have to pay the postage. I have to wonder what the per ounce cost is to send something between the two planets.

If you recall, this was from the repair pod. No postage required, just careful aim and a sturdy container.

Title: Favorite Sci-Fi Mail Service
Post by: Deus Siddis on June 14, 2005, 12:58:23 am
It would probably be helpful if you knew what continent I was on and such. Searching for a postcard on a planet is a lot harder than looking for a needle in a haystack. At least you could use a magnet on the needle.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Lukipela on June 14, 2005, 01:14:46 am
Even when handling regular postcards it is assumed that one knows the adress of the recipient. The same goes here.

Title: Favorite Delivery System
Post by: Deus Siddis on June 14, 2005, 06:12:39 am
Yes, but if you could launch the mail pod accurately enough to land it in my mailbox, you still would not be able to slow it down enough, so as not to destroy it, in addition to the aforementioned mailbox. This would bring new meaning to the term "hate mail". Still, why must an innocent mailbox have to pay for my faults? Is it one's place to burden the harmless timbers and sheet metal of a simple message storage unit, with the speeding death that only a martian starfury orbital repair pod, carrying an obscene vacation post card, could deliver?

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Death 999 on June 14, 2005, 09:01:07 pm
Your conception of interplanetary mail delivery is naive and ultimately neglects the central concepts of 'mail'. Most mail is not directly thrown; rather, sent via regular channels equipped for receipt and redirection.

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Ivan Ivanov on June 14, 2005, 10:46:32 pm
Yes, but how much more fun it is that way... ;)

Title: Deadly Consequences
Post by: Deus Siddis on June 15, 2005, 02:32:52 am
"Your conception of interplanetary mail delivery is naive and ultimately neglects the central concepts of 'mail'. Most mail is not directly thrown; rather, sent via regular channels equipped for receipt and redirection."

That is correct. Most mail is no longer sent by hurling. In this new millenium, we use electronic mail or "email" for short. Email is sent by computers using an alpha burst of electromagnetic energy. This is bounced off the upper atmospheric layers for short ranged communication or off the moon for long distance, intraplanetary communication. The problem with email is that it cannot be sent too far outside of the earth's radiation shadow, or else the signal will slowly be consumed by tacheons and metachlorians.

"Yes, but how much more fun it is that way..."

Yea, well is it fun for the hundreds of mailboxes killed by converted nasa starfury former repair pod postcard carriers, every year? They don't even get hazardous duty pay. If something is not done to spread awarness and slow the usage of deadly space messages, this increasingly rare breed may soon go extict. The choice is yours to make. :'(

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Skarrde on June 17, 2005, 05:55:04 am
Vaygr Battlecruiser from Homeworld 2

it looks intimidating, has a big gun that'd put an Ur-Quan to shame, and its just dang cool to mow down the enemy mothership with  8)

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: Crowley on June 23, 2005, 04:12:43 pm
I guess I'll pick Serenity. And whatever those police-like people used in 'The Message'.

Can anyone name a ship which at least looks like it is designed for both atmospheric flight (with aerodynamic design and such) as well as vacuum with newtonian physics?

Title: Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Ship
Post by: VOiD on June 24, 2005, 04:37:18 am
I'm quite fond of the Shivan ships from the Conflict Freespace games. They're just so... impressive.