Title: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 03:10:15 am ED-209. I want one for my birthday. ;D
http://robocoparchive.com/char/ed.htm Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: UAF on May 26, 2005, 03:24:05 am Does Optimus Prime counts?
I also like Mervin. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Fossaman on May 26, 2005, 03:30:57 am The robot from 'Return to the forbidden planet.'
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Arne on May 26, 2005, 06:32:38 am I'd have to go for Fido(?) from Judge Dredd if I only could pick one. It was based on a ABC warrior design by Bisley I think.
Here's a Link (http://www.director-file.com/cunningham/604.html). Would be cool is other people provided links aswell, esp. if the robot is less well known, Edit: I also love Kevin Walkers version of it found here (http://www.dreamnation.fsnet.co.uk/work1-a.html). Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 06:47:49 am Alrighty:
http://robocoparchive.com/char/ed.htm Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Culture20 on May 26, 2005, 09:56:12 am Not my favorite, but in terms of raw power, my robot can beat your robot. :P
The Shrike from Dan Simmons' Hyperion/Endymion books: http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/shenessee/simmweb/Rise.html From http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/H/Hy/Hyperion_Cantos.htm : The Shrike ... is known for impaling people on a massive tree made of metal, whose branches are massive thorns. He is the object of a cult, the Shrike church, and guards the Tombs of Time. The church sends prime-number pilgrims to the Time Tombs; all but one are killed and the remaining pilgrim gets his request granted. The Shrike is capable of manipulating time. This, along with his martial art skills backed up with four arms and a spiked armoured body, makes him an unbeatable opponent. The Shrike is capable single-handedly slaughtering entire battle corps. Time manipulation making firearms both unnecessary and worthless, the Shrike fights only hand-to-hand. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 11:27:43 am "my robot can beat your robot."
Not if I use my favorite scifi gadget on him, first. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Halleck on May 26, 2005, 01:24:13 pm Woah, where did all these "favorite sci fi _____" threads come from? Crazy!
I can't decide on one... guess my top five are Robby the Robot from forbidden planet, the old R2D2 (none of this kung fu action flamethrower nonsense from the new movies), Marvin from the hitchhiker's guide, Data from Star Trek, and "Ro-man" from Robot Monster (http://downlode.org/robots/robot-monster.jpg). (Which, FYI, was a guy in a gorilla suit who wore a diving helmet, spouting off classic lines such as "Hu-man cannot stop Ro-man!"). An honorable mention goes to TOBOR the great for his totally original name. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Lukipela on May 26, 2005, 05:37:43 pm Quote Woah, where did all these "favorite sci fi _____" threads come from? Crazy! DS seems to be quite a Sci-Fi fan... For robots, I'm tied between the Shrike and Robby, different as they may be. Of course, another classic is Knights Automated Rolling Robot, a truly ruthless fellow. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on May 26, 2005, 09:33:21 pm "DS seems to be quite a Sci-Fi fan..."
I started the trend with the movie thread, and that was all I had planned. Then, people started posting offshoots, so I went nuclear and am now firing off a salvo of every "favorite SciFi" topic possible. It also drowns out the babblings of the reincarnated troll. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Lukipela on May 26, 2005, 10:02:58 pm So it's for a good cause as well! Celebrations!
I also enjoyed reading about the escapades of Erasmus as he tries to understand what humanity is all about. And one must certainly not forget good old R Daneel Olivaw. R stands for robot indeed. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Death 999 on May 26, 2005, 11:40:07 pm You beat me to it! If not R. Daneel, then perhaps his mentor, R. Giskard Reventlov.
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Zieman on May 27, 2005, 01:51:28 am Marvin (by Adams)
or R Daneel Olivaw (by Asimov) Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Arne on May 27, 2005, 03:13:44 am I found a random page (http://www.retrocrush.com/archive2/robots/index.html) that list some robots.
I couldn't resist mentioning some more like the Terminator (T800), Dalek, Maria (Metropolis), Robby... and from Robocop I think Cain (http://www.robocoparchive.com/info/robocain.htm) should get a mention besides ED209 (http://www.robocoparchive.com/misc/cut15.JPG). The droids from Paradroid (C64 and Amiga) are really charmy too, lets not forget those. From StarWars I like IG88 (http://users.aol.com/nate2450/ig88boba.jpg) (pic) (http://www.starwars.com/databank/droid/ig88/index.html) (pic) (http://www.lucasarts.com/products/shadows/ig88.htm) (pic) (http://www.starwars.com/databank/droid/ig88/img/movie_bg.jpg) (pic) (http://www.artoosnews.com/artooscustoms/imagearchive/images/characters/misc/ig-88.jpg) (lego) (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=87295), Droideka, Pit Droid. Jabba palace Spider guard (BT-16) (http://www.podster.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/fotos/bt16.jpg), Dwarf Spider Droid (http://www.starwars.com/databank/droid/dwarfspiderdroid/index.html), R1-G4 (http://www.r2-d2.de/Character/r2r1-g4.jpg) Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: GeomanNL on May 27, 2005, 03:28:36 am Krogoth (from Total Annihilation).
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on May 27, 2005, 05:08:26 am Nah, Robocop 2 was a junker. It was all twisted and stuff, ED-209 is just so damn cool looking (even though it's not supposed to be). Droideka is cool, but it's sorta similar to ED-209.
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Defender on May 27, 2005, 07:16:03 am i have to agree, ed-209 is pretty cool.
the iron giant is another of my favorites. so is the daleks from dr who. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Arne on May 27, 2005, 08:44:44 am From TA I'd have to pick Storm, Thud and AK. I really like the design of those (yeah I know the PeeWee owns them). I used to modify the AI files so they only built L1 Kbots... then I played on the Metal map with 9 computers * 500 unit limit... usually there was like 3000-4000 Kbots duking out in the middle of the map.
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: harth1026 on May 27, 2005, 10:35:56 pm The original cartoon lion version of Voltron. Not the cheesy 3D version, the one on rollerskates, or any version of the the Power Rangers. I like the original Japanese anime Voltron.
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Razorback on June 19, 2005, 12:28:23 am Starting to see more Favorite Sci-Fi threads popping up than reporters at the Michael Jackson trial. :P Favorite sci-fi robot, I'll go with AIMEE from Red Planet. Very cool berzerk robot!
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: jack_cloudy on June 19, 2005, 01:14:51 am Mine is Data, he simply never seems to understand humans. And in Generations he constantly made me laugh with that emotion chip (,,Look, its mister Tricorder!" When drinking something:,, I think he hates it." ,,Yeah, It's disgusting! I hate it! Can I have some more, please?)
The second is that improved battledroid from attack of the clones. And of course C-3PO for being so clumsy. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Crowley on June 23, 2005, 04:08:27 pm T-1000 and HK-47.
... Why do I like robots that are murdering maniacs? Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Death 999 on June 23, 2005, 08:52:58 pm Are the characters from Reboot considered robots?
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Halleck on June 24, 2005, 03:19:39 am ;D
ReBoot rules. And im sure that the bits are robots (the little ones and zeroes). Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: VOiD on June 24, 2005, 04:25:24 am I'd have to go along with Zieman here, and claim Marvin as my choice for favourite robot. Actually, he's ranked very highly on my (non-existant) favourite character list. Love that ol' hunk o' metal.
When on the subject, Bender's not half bad, either. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: gafeoiga on October 16, 2005, 05:19:04 am My favorite sci-fi robot (if it counts) Is the Ingsmasher from Metroid Prime 2.
Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: JonoPorter on October 30, 2005, 09:33:08 pm I went to Wikipedia to find out exactly what a robot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot) is and found out:
Quote In practical usage, a robot is a mechanical device which performs its tasks either according to direct human control, partial control with human supervision, or completely autonomously. So with sci-fi robots i would have to to go with the MadCat (http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/MadCatLasers.jpg) from the mechwarrior series, but i found Some one who likes it more then me (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/mwdarkage/mw_article.asp?cid=36984&frame=news). I would also have to say i like almost all the robots from the Macross series'. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Zeep-Eeep on October 31, 2005, 09:40:25 am I'm not sure if it counts as a robot, but HAL from 2001 was a bad
ass computer. HAL had AI, so I'm thinking robot, but didn't really have a body. Anyway, for typical robot with mobility, I'll go with R2D2 of Star Wars fame. I fell in love with the little guy when he got shot by the jawas in A New Hope. Errruuuuhhhhhh *CLUNK* Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on November 02, 2005, 01:46:39 am "So with sci-fi robots i would have to to go with the MadCat from the mechwarrior series"
I think the Timberwolf was a better incarnation of that design. "HAL had AI, so I'm thinking robot, but didn't really have a body." The ship and it's shuttle probes were it's body, I thought. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Zeep-Eeep on November 02, 2005, 02:32:03 pm I was thinking more of a dedicated body. HAL was a computer
which could control ship funcation. Technically, I suppose the ship was a body to HAL. However, robot like C-3PO, R2-D2, Bender, etc have dedicated bodies which don't do anything else. Whether this makes HAL a simple computer rather than a robot is, I suppose, up for bedate. Title: Re: Favorite SciFi Robot Post by: Deus Siddis on November 03, 2005, 12:22:54 am I don't know, wheels, legs and engines are all just machines for locomotion. You can't move HAL out of his ship any easier than you can move C3PO's head over to another chassis. So, I guess maybe C3PO is really just a head shaped laptop (or shouldtop ;) ) that you can attach to some limbs.