The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Razorback on June 04, 2005, 02:48:35 pm

Title: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Razorback on June 04, 2005, 02:48:35 pm
Was fighting with a friend of mine, and my ZFP went all Gene Simmons with his tounge attack.  It shot past him (hell of a shot to waste on a miss) and continued past so far the screen zoomed out as far as it would pan.  We stopped fighting and just watched the thing reel back in for the next four seconds or so.  Never seen it happen again, have no idea what caused it in the first place. (original PC release)

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Lukipela on June 04, 2005, 07:55:46 pm
I arrived at Starbase at the start of the game, only to be imprisoned by the Quans immediately and executed for flying a ship that was in clear violation of slave laws. apparently a stray Ur-Quan had come in to refill his fuel tanks, worst of luck.  ;)

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Anticheese on June 09, 2005, 10:09:53 am
While fighting mycon -I hate their Juffo-Whup relegion- one of them regenerated to a few thousand crew.

Needless to say I would take the 10 fuel jump out then 10 hours.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Fossaman on June 09, 2005, 11:34:57 am
I had the ZFP glitch happen to me too, but unfortunately it was between battles, so I didn't get to go all Kung-Fu on the computer with it.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Arael on August 05, 2005, 12:40:35 am
The "Ninja Decoy" glitch.

When entering a fight while pressing (or repeatedly pressing?) the hyperspace escape key, the fight starts as normal but there's no flagship status screen. One hit, flagship gets destroyed, the appropriate ditty plays and... You're safe and sound in hyperspace. Guess that was an inflatable flagship decoy to draw attention from your escape ;D

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on August 05, 2005, 03:04:13 am
The "Ninja Decoy" glitch.

When entering a fight while pressing (or repeatedly pressing?) the hyperspace escape key, the fight starts as normal but there's no flagship status screen. One hit, flagship gets destroyed, the appropriate ditty plays and... You're safe and sound in hyperspace. Guess that was an inflatable flagship decoy to draw attention from your escape ;D

i had something like that happen to me in UQM

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Art on August 05, 2005, 03:33:16 am
That actually kind of makes sense -- warping in and warping out so fast the light-image of your ship is still there for the enemy to shoot at. Like the Picard Manuever in Star Trek.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: meep-eep on August 05, 2005, 05:10:17 am
That would be bug 619 (

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Novus on August 05, 2005, 10:59:22 am
Bug 619 is probably the weirdest one, but the most obscure one I've seen is bug 700 ( Bug 198 ( was kind of funny.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Arael on August 05, 2005, 02:08:59 pm
Quote from: meep-eep
That would be bug 619.
You take all the fun of it >.>

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: DavidPartay on September 07, 2005, 03:45:24 am
I had a very, very strange one happen only once and I'm still baffled by it.

I started a new game, zoomed in on Earth and tried to see if I could escape before the Ur-Quan drone got to me.  It got my tail just before I could get away. I heard the noise it makes when you're given the option to converse or give combat (I think, this was a few years ago) and then next thing I know I'm seeing the ship selection screen for a battle against the Su-Matra and the game locked up.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Novus on September 07, 2005, 09:10:19 am
Quote from: meep-eep
That would be bug 619.
You take all the fun of it >.>
Hey, I actually figured that one out. For some reason, some of the ship data is initialised and the status display is drawn in ship_preprocess (in src/sc2code/ship.c), which is usually called every combat cycle. Unfortunately, hitting the warp-out key changes the ship's preprocess function to flee_preprocess (in src/sc2code/tactrans.c) immediately. If the warp-out key is down when a ship enters combat, this means that the crew value of the ship is wrong (apparently 0, meaning that any hit kills) and the status display never gets drawn at all, instead of freezing like it should.

Solution: disable warp out until a ship has finished warping in.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Death 390 on September 07, 2005, 09:17:34 am
I was on my way to trade life-form data to the Melnorme (can't remember which star but it was Ur-Quan space) and I was running low on fuel. A Kohr-Ah task force appeared ahead (well a black blob) and before I had time to disengage auto pilot and maneuver around them they attacked...

The lack of fuel (3 units I think) meant no chance of escape and I only had an earthling cruiser (Fwiffo was dead due a silly slip of the keyboard on my part!).  ::)

Anyway, the cruiser was soon trashed, and then I was forced to fight with my flagship! After a valiant attempt the flagship was destroyed!  :(

"Oh Sh*t" I exclaimed, having not saved the game for ages - but wait! what's that?
The screen went straight back to the hyperspace view and there was my flagship! intact! and not a Kohr-Ah to be seen!

VERY weird!! It sounds similar to the "Ninja" bug mentioned, but I didn't have enough fuel to warp out anyway....Although I MAY have been pressing the escape key repeatedly in frustration...

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Novus on September 11, 2005, 10:49:10 am
I remember something about exiting Quasispace through the natural Hyperspace to Quasispace portal just as it was closing and ending up in Hyperspace at something like 300:2000. Bug 108 ( matches the description. This screenshot ( shows that even the original PC version had this bug.

I was kind of disappointed that you couldn't explore this "way outside the usual game area" space; you just get teleported back to normality when you move.

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Death 390 on September 14, 2005, 10:45:50 am
Now that IS freaky!! I'll try that one later!

Title: Re: Most bizzare game glitch you've seen?
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on September 23, 2005, 09:29:54 pm
In the original SC2, I once came out of Quasi space
off the hyperspace map. I seem to recall it
was in the bottom-left corner, just off the grid.
Which would have been fine, except I couldn't
fly _back_ onto the hyperspace grid.