Title: Stop using my joystick! Post by: Asfand Yar Qazi on June 05, 2005, 06:32:52 am How do I stop Ur-Quan masters using my joystick? Apart from hacking the sources with the following patch?
Code: *** src/sc2code/libs/input/sdl/input.c.old Sun Jun 5 01:29:38 2005 --- src/sc2code/libs/input/sdl/input.c Sun Jun 5 01:33:08 2005 *************** *** 165,186 **** SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); ! if ((SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) == -1) ! { ! fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't initialize joystick subsystem: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); ! exit(-1); ! } ! ! fprintf (stderr, "%i joysticks were found.\n", SDL_NumJoysticks ()); ! ! nJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks (); ! if (nJoysticks > 0) ! { ! fprintf (stderr, "The names of the joysticks are:\n"); ! for(i = 0; i < nJoysticks; i++) ! { ! fprintf (stderr, " %s\n", SDL_JoystickName (i)); ! } ! SDL_JoystickEventState (SDL_ENABLE); ! } _in_character_mode = FALSE; --- 165,169 ---- SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); ! nJoysticks = 0; _in_character_mode = FALSE; You see, I like to play on zSnes while I'm flying from star system to another. Title: Re: Stop using my joystick! Post by: Defender on June 05, 2005, 10:06:34 am in your keys.cfg:
place # symbols at the beginning of your gamepad code, like this: #joystick 0 threshold 1 # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000 #Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative #Player-1-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative #Lander-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative #Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive #Player-1-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive #Lander-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive #Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative #Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative #Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative #Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive #Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 1 #Player-1-Special: joystick 0 button 1 #Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 2 #Player-1-Weapon: joystick 0 button 2 #Lander-Weapon: joystick 0 button 2 #Menu-Page-Up: joystick 0 button 4 #Menu-Page-Down: joystick 0 button 5 #Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 0 button 7 #Player-1-Escape: joystick 0 button 0 #Lander-Escape: joystick 0 button 1 #Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 0 button 6 that should disable your joystick. Title: Re: Stop using my joystick! Post by: Razorback on November 05, 2006, 01:28:54 am *bump*