The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: kamain on July 09, 2005, 03:39:10 am

Title: shofixti maidens (where's the little creature??)
Post by: kamain on July 09, 2005, 03:39:10 am
So the captain vux has sent me  on a quest to find a little creature... all I have is that poem   I KNOW it must be a yellow star.. but which one?? if anyone knows the co-ordinates please let me know

Title: Re: shofixti maidens (where's the little creature?
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on July 09, 2005, 04:18:01 am
its not a spoiler but if you goto
they have the "star search" page.
if that dont work they also have a dos version.

Title: Re: shofixti maidens (where's the little creature?
Post by: meep-eep on July 09, 2005, 07:13:30 am
The hint is based on the shape of a constellation as it appears on the original Star Map, which you can find at the PNF. From this page (, look at the "Color Hyperspace Map JPEG".