The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: 43qat on July 27, 2005, 10:39:11 pm

Title: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: 43qat on July 27, 2005, 10:39:11 pm
Hey, I just discovered this kickass port you guys have made! I remember playing the 3DO version on my 3DO when I was a kid, this brings back great memories!

The one thing that always stuck in my mind about that game though, was the music when you travel between stars. I loved that little piece of music!

Well, after playing the game again, I wanted to incorporate that into a rock instrumental, so I did. I don't mean to offend "the precursors"....Their new version was ok, and this was not meant to replace anything they did. I just thought this would sound cool in a rock context.

tell me what you think! I did everything.....I programmed the fake instruments(not really my thing, but I have nobody else to do it for me!)  - drums, bass, synth, and I played all the guitar tracks.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Mr._Jiggles on July 27, 2005, 10:45:29 pm
hey i got 2 words, kick ass  ;D

you did this by youself?

Wow  :)

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: 43qat on July 27, 2005, 10:48:10 pm
yeah.....I had a band before, but I don't I have to do it all myself if I want to do anything. Thanks for the listen!

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Mr._Jiggles on July 27, 2005, 10:49:17 pm
no problem, prehaps you could incorperate this into a mod, or a game.  ???

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: VOiD on July 28, 2005, 12:27:32 am
You know, ever since the first criticisms of Riku's Hyperspace remix came up, I've been doing sporadic thinking about doing a more rock-oriented remix of the song. I've had my doubts whether it could be pulled off with satisfying results, but I've gotta say, this comes pretty darn close to pulling it off.

My first question would have to be: what software are you using to compose? Because although you are obviously quite handy with the guitar, some other elements are lacking. The drums, for example, sound like a cross between tracked drums and general midi. I keep wondering what this would sound like if done in professional software...

Having said that, it's one sweet track, and I think you've proved that the Hyperspace theme does well in a rock setting.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: 43qat on July 28, 2005, 01:22:52 am
Well, I'm not really into the whole electronic music thing.....I prefer using real instruments so I don't really know a hell of a lot about using this stuff...But, I used FruityLooos Studio 5 for the backing track, which somehow I could not get to export into separate nothing was EQ properly since the whole backing track was all mixed together.

With that, I put it into Cakewalk and then recorded the guitar parts, using a terrible cheap setup. I'm not able to mic my amp, which sucks anyway, so I go from my behringer V-amp directly into the soundcard, which produces dry, fizzy sounding results. Hopefully I've cleared this up a little bit using tube simulator plugins and the like.

But yes, I realize it doesn't sound very professional. I don't have the patience for all this computer generated stuff....I just like composing songs and playing guitar! Though, the drums turned out sort of like I if only neil peart were playing it instead of the damn computer!

and for the curious, I used my Ibanez RG-470 which I have a DiMarzio Evolution installed.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Mr._Jiggles on July 28, 2005, 04:39:29 am
If anyone can tell me, i want to replace the remix with this sh*t

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Halleck on July 28, 2005, 08:00:22 am
Hey, not bad! This rates up with the Axes Denied version in my book.

BTW- I like Riku's hyperspace remix an awful lot. It's my second favorite precursors track, under the starbase remix. Although, I can see how people used to the upbeat PC/3DO tracks might be dissapointed.

Mr._Jiggles: To override the in-game music, first convert the song to ogg vorbis, and then rename it to hyper.ogg and place it in the folder /content/lbm/.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Megagun on July 28, 2005, 11:55:39 am
Great stuff, indeed! :)

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Mr._Jiggles on July 28, 2005, 06:06:43 pm
Thanks Halleck, all i need is a rap theme for quasi space  ;)

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on July 28, 2005, 10:14:17 pm
oh god, please no rap, i despise that shit.

and either that link aint workin or my Iexplorer is screwing with me

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: 43qat on July 28, 2005, 10:59:53 pm
soundclick seems to have gone down for the moment......I'm sure they'll have it back up soon.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Mr._Jiggles on July 29, 2005, 05:03:36 am
Kohr-Ah i was just kidding, a rap theme sound would sound horrible. With Snoop Dog rapping in the background to a space game would be very perverse.

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: Megagun on July 29, 2005, 01:53:41 pm
and either that link aint workin or my Iexplorer is screwing with me
*turns red* (

Title: Re: the "hyperspace" song
Post by: TigTigger on August 01, 2005, 06:56:23 pm
You know, ever since the first criticisms of Riku's Hyperspace remix came up, I've been doing sporadic thinking about doing a more rock-oriented remix of the song.

I agree with your post, but one thing that I really want to stress is that I have the utmost respect for Riku for wanting to try something different.  This tune has been re-re-re-remixed so many times, I can understand that he didn't want to do "yet another" similar style remix.  The remixed Hyperspace tune he came up with did that very well.

I do think something more upbeat would fit better in the game, though.