The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: harth1026 on August 30, 2005, 09:07:35 pm

Title: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: harth1026 on August 30, 2005, 09:07:35 pm
Assuming it was easy enough to port it to the new platform and not too expensive, which would be the best platform to port UQM to?

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: nightshadow on August 31, 2005, 11:58:22 am
I'd say the GP32 or the GPX2...

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Death 390 on September 06, 2005, 12:49:42 pm
Wow! A massive vote in favour of the Gamecube!
As an NGC owner I've noticed that my humble Cube comes in for regular criticism from hardcore PS2/X-Box owners! it's nice to be in the company of fellow Nintendophiles!!  ;) :D

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Kaiser II on September 06, 2005, 07:32:19 pm
No accounting for taste, apparently...  Or lack of marketing sense.

Playstation would be the best console to port UQM to.  It does, after all, have the largest user base.  Once that's done with and assuming the UQM develops a larger fan base due to that port, other systems could easily be considered.

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Death 390 on September 07, 2005, 08:51:42 am
Quote from: Kaiser II
No accounting for taste, apparently... 

 :P How about a whole nation swindled into buying a cheaply made,  underpowered, unreliable and nasty looking lump of black plastic that only caters to fans of uber violence and sports...  ;)

Quote from: Kaiser II
Or lack of marketing sense.

Although I can't argue that point! Will they ever learn?

Quote from: Kaiser II
Playstation would be the best console to port UQM to.  It does, after all, have the largest user base

I don't think that having the largest user base would necessarily figure in the equation. UQM (as much as we all love it!) would hardly garner mass appeal in todays market. it would always remain a niche title IMO and I think the Gamecube caters for the more obscure and niche.

Having said that though, I think porting UQM to the Nintedo DS or Sony PSP would proabably make the most sense. Why would anyone buy a title for a regular console when they could play it for free on their PC? 

I for one would love to be able to play UQM on the move without having to lug a laptop around!!  :)

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: allison on October 01, 2005, 05:35:34 am
you left  the dreamcast from that survey, and considering the dreamcast homebrew community is still thriving (i played a source port of rise of the triad on it) I think that would be the most hassle-free place to start.  and since an unmodded dreamcast can play a homebrews that have been burnt to blank cd's......

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Ben1 on October 01, 2005, 07:00:51 am
I wonder how the graphics would hold up against what people expect to see nowadays.   Id assume it would be less than your average new game in price.  Id buy it for whatever system, but a portable system would be nice.  PSP or DS.

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Death 390 on October 04, 2005, 12:59:58 pm
I think it would work really well on the DS...

The bottom screen could be navigation (star map/quasispace) - using the stylus to select the desired system. The bottom screen could also be used for alien conversations - using the stylus to select the relevant response.

The top screen could then be using for actual space flight and combat.

Hmmm the more I think about it, the more I think it would rock....if only I were a sh*t hot developer.......  :-[

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on October 04, 2005, 01:24:05 pm

The only reasons i like  Playstation 2:

I love theController
Ability to play PS1 games
Ability to play Audio CD's
Ability to Play DVD's

gamecube sucks because it cant play dvd's or audio cd's.
The only time i have ever played it was to play one of the zelda games over at a friends house... which sucked.

In all honesty i don't even use the damned thing anymore, there are better games on PC.

just port uqm to every major console and handheld system, make everybody happy.

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Death 390 on October 04, 2005, 03:45:13 pm
Well I'm sure we're all grateful for that positive contribution  ::)

I think that the portable format would be the way to go, although I hadn't considered the DC homebrew scene as it's been years since I last had a working DC  :(

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Culture20 on October 22, 2005, 01:18:22 am
The Gamepark 2X, a dual-ARM linux handheld soon to be out.  All the SDKs are OSS, so no cost to create the port (beyond the $180 for the machine).
And IIRC, someone has compiled and run UQM on OpenEmbedded on an ARM processor;  the GP2X hopefully isn't too different.

Title: Re: Best Platform To Port UQM To
Post by: Death 390 on October 26, 2005, 04:28:27 pm
The Gamepark 2X, a dual-ARM linux handheld soon to be out.  All the SDKs are OSS, so no cost to create the port (beyond the $180 for the machine).
And IIRC, someone has compiled and run UQM on OpenEmbedded on an ARM processor;  the GP2X hopefully isn't too different.

Ahhh i've seen adverts for that on net ( etc but never put two and two together!!  :)