Title: Wheres ReBoot Post by: nathanael on October 16, 2005, 07:23:09 am Ok ReBoot is my all time favorite show and yet i cant find it anywhere :'(
So my question is does anyone know where i can find it? I cant find it for download i cant find it for sale,heck even Ebay doesnt have it. i just want to watch the first season atleast ive seen the latest season recent enough, but last time i saw the first season was when i was 4. p.s. i know where i put the sentences a little wak, im tired Title: Re: Wheres ReBoot Post by: Halleck on October 16, 2005, 10:10:57 am Uh... the last season is out on DVD. Not sure about the other seasons... you'd probably have to get a bootleg.
Title: Re: Wheres ReBoot Post by: Nathanael on October 19, 2005, 12:43:05 am Ah thats just great i vowed never to bootleg again to help society
and look how society rewards me. unfortunately i cant find a website with the episodes either. great ReBoot the lost tv series. Title: Re: Wheres ReBoot Post by: Slylendro on October 20, 2005, 05:33:02 pm Try emule or bittorrent sites like mininova.