Title: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: Costyn on December 14, 2002, 12:28:09 pm Hi there,
I'm new to Star Control 2 (I'm playing the recently brought out Urquan Masters at sc2.sf.net). Now my question is this: how do you upgrade your planet lander??? I think I've searched everywhere for the answer, but can't find out how to do it anywhere? It would seem obvious that you do this at a starbase, but it seems I can't find the option anywhere. Thanks in advance. Costyn. Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: Parker on December 14, 2002, 12:41:27 pm You need to buy this technology from the Melnorme who can be found at any super-giant star.
Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: Azarule on December 15, 2002, 03:27:16 am Of course, you could always do the cheat. You know, where you pilot into the middle of Ur-Quan space and use the 'Caster to call the Melnourme. Then they give you stuff for free because they want you to live. You may have to fight a few Ur-Quan before they get there, but if you die and haven't saved recently it spawns you back, so long as you were in the center of their territory.
(P.S. - This is a JOKE ! If you do it, you will DIE !!!! Probably. I might just be throwing off the n00bs.) Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: PsiPhi on December 16, 2002, 12:51:57 am You are evil.
Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: bill hanes on December 16, 2002, 05:07:42 am just run out of gas and the dude will come to you
Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: Azarule on December 17, 2002, 02:14:37 am But make sure you do it in the middle of Ur-Quan territory, otherwise you won't get the cheat !
Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: PsiPhi on December 17, 2002, 10:11:45 am ;D Oh, would you stop! ;D
Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: Azarule on December 18, 2002, 12:48:11 pm PsiPhi is just trying to keep you all from using that really cool cheat !!! Don't listen to him ! ;)
Just kiddin', Phi - we cool 8) Title: Re: Upgrading planet lander? Post by: PsiPhi on December 22, 2002, 08:29:03 pm hehehe ... Azarule, you are so terrible. You are like an Umgah let loose on the forum. But because I am in such a good mood for finishing this version of the game today, I won't yell at you any more (at least today) for misleading newbies.
-PsiPhi |