The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Starbase Café => Topic started by: Defender on December 04, 2005, 07:28:09 pm

Title: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 04, 2005, 07:28:09 pm
Why yes I am! ;D

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 05, 2005, 04:45:48 am
You should really leave the determination of your spiritual status to us gods. Unless you are a lawyer, of course. Then the assessment is easy to make.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Krulle on December 05, 2005, 08:28:13 am
Why yes I am! ;D
Wnated a real thread all about your 500th post, eh?

Ell, if theres no champagne, I'm off again...


Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Lukipela on December 05, 2005, 10:40:32 am
Congratulations, it's about time ;)

*Hits DEFIANT with a pillow and steals the champagne.

Let's see how enlightened you are without boozze, eh.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Culture20 on December 05, 2005, 11:42:24 pm
Hey, no pillow fights amongst the enlightened.   >:(
*Hits Lukipela with a bottle of champagne and steals the pillow.  8)

Welcome to the fold, DEFIANT.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 06, 2005, 01:12:56 am
You are no longer the Non.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 06, 2005, 07:44:30 am
Luki- You can't rush greatness :P Calculates time till pillow bomb, disguised as champaine, detonates. Takes drink then ducks...

Culture 20- Uh-Oh...Thank you... Um... throw the bottle!

Deus- Yea! I'm not the non! Who's the non? Not me! Yea!  :P :P

Krulle- Thanks and here....drinks for everyone! (

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Krulle on December 06, 2005, 08:30:38 pm
Well, drinks for everyone?
Back here again!

But gotta go again, have to unpack some more cartons full of moving stuff....

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 07, 2005, 01:06:00 am
"Krulle- Thanks and here....drinks for everyone!"

Thanks, but your drinks taste a little flat, hehe.

(Because they are a picture which is 2D.) Hey, nobody ever said enlightenment gave you the wisdom to not make bad jokes.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on December 10, 2005, 01:54:40 pm
Not another pillow fight luki, eh?


Is there a reason why my avatar was removed?

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 10, 2005, 05:29:09 pm
That probably depends on what your avatar was.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on December 10, 2005, 07:53:40 pm
Come on, don't you remember my walking lady?  ::)

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Novus on December 10, 2005, 10:58:26 pm
Come on, don't you remember my walking lady?  ::)
Oh, that one. One of the reasons I disabled GIF animation looping in Mozilla.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 10, 2005, 11:15:04 pm
Come on, don't you remember my walking lady?  ::)
Oh, that one. One of the reasons I disabled GIF animation looping in Mozilla.
I hear that. Animation slows down page loading a little. I need speed when I surf.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on December 11, 2005, 11:24:36 am
Speed? Jeez man, try a little caffine instead, or some sugar.
Don't go poping speed when you surf.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: timeloop on December 11, 2005, 11:55:07 am
What kind of an internet connection do you have DEFIANT?

Are you still living in 1995?

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on December 11, 2005, 03:01:14 pm
But she is worth it!

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 12, 2005, 02:40:40 am
Speed? Jeez man, try a little caffine instead, or some sugar.
Don't go poping speed when you surf.

That would explain why I can't go to sleep...=p

What kind of an internet connection do you have DEFIANT?

Are you still living in 1995?
256 DSL, right now it's alI I can afford where I live. Looking to get cable when I move, that is, if my wife lets me...hehe.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Lukipela on December 12, 2005, 02:27:57 pm
Not another pillow fight luki, eh?


Is there a reason why my avatar was removed?

Be quiet youngling.

*Hits DJ with a pillow for old times sake

Your avatar probably wandered off to do something better.

256 DSL

 :o  :o
Wow. Mr Shipbuildingfactory is a actual relic form ancient times.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Death 999 on December 12, 2005, 09:30:25 pm

DEFIANT has taken 3 damage.
DEFIANT has taken 3 damage.
DEFIANT has taken 3 damage.
DEFIANT has taken 3 damage.
DEFIANT has taken 3 damage.
Lukipela has taken 3 damage.
Lukipela has taken 3 damage.
Lukipela has taken 3 damage.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on December 12, 2005, 11:06:55 pm
Okay...I'm really proud to be here. I love UQM!

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 13, 2005, 04:03:11 am
*Captain aboard a Yehat Terminator*

Red alert!

Shields up!

Come hard about.  Get ready to fire before they can recharge... ;D

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 13, 2005, 04:21:56 am
(Deus' cruiser comes to a stop on the outskirts of the deep space pillow war. The admiral stares at the chaotic melee with pity.)

"My god, they said it would be used to benefit the universe. . .that we could rest each night without the burden of poor cranial support. . .that the 'pillow' would be the crowning achievement of mankind. Now look at it. Look at what it has brought us. . .

Battlestations! Full power to engines, prepare to fire a spread of downs on my mark. Rear tubes, load the foams and fire as soon as you're trained on Death's Marauder. All right men, this is it. . .FIRE!!!"

"*Captain aboard a Yehat Terminator*"

With your connection, I'd say you're more in the realm of an Umgahn Drone.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deep-Jiffa on December 13, 2005, 01:31:50 pm

Mine was better: F.R.I.E.D
(feather not fire)

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Death 999 on December 13, 2005, 08:35:01 pm
You think so? I still have half a battery...

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 14, 2005, 12:39:58 am
And thats why my shields are up...Fire!

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 14, 2005, 04:52:31 am
"And thats why my shields are up...Fire!"

Which, in turn, is why I came bearing shield-penetrating pillows. Fire at Will !

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 14, 2005, 05:55:15 am
"Incoming pillows!"

"Evasive maneuvers!"

*Pillows penetrating shields*

"Hull is taking heavy damage captain!"

"Get us out of here...Emergency Warp!"

As the terminator leaves, via hyperspace, the captain can't help but wonder... why the alien ship has aligned itself with the kohr-ah? be continued.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Krulle on December 14, 2005, 01:59:33 pm
Nobody notices the remaining drinks disappearing as the Keel-Verezy ship stalks at this party and uses the pillow-distraction to torcle about and booze the engine...

Oh damn, the host left...

*wanders off again*

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Death 999 on December 14, 2005, 05:14:42 pm
Ninja umgah agents come in and swap out the battle music for the Melnorme music!

We are awash with commercialistic techno as we whack each other.

Speaking of which, that incoming fire? I suppose I could use a PLIED, but seems more economical to just drop a couple shuripads to absorb it all....

Going for the gravity whip around the drinks table!

Title: Missshap
Post by: Deus Siddis on December 14, 2005, 06:26:42 pm
"As the terminator leaves, via hyperspace, the captain can't help but wonder... why the alien ship has aligned itself with the kohr-ah?"

Ssorry Commanderrr, we musst have misstaken you terrminatorrr for an Elowan warrssship. My apologiesss.

Title: Re: Enlightened
Post by: Defender on December 15, 2005, 04:21:15 am
Hahaha ^
