The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Muncher666 on December 17, 2005, 12:38:22 pm

Title: GP2x port now available
Post by: Muncher666 on December 17, 2005, 12:38:22 pm

I've been lurking for far too long, so I thought I'd break the silence with an important announcement that seems to have slipped under this forum's radar. I'd love to also say that I did the deed, but alas, it was not me.

UQM has been ported (with a handful of bugs, but apparently surprisingly stable) to the GP2X handheld console. I noticed this being mentioned fleetingly somewhere in the forums, but it didn't go any further than a guest post. This is, I believe, the first handheld port for UQM. At present, the GP2X has a number of issues, but it's getting better, as it's essentially a device still in beta stages (they sold early releases of the box to keep the company going). So don't panic too much when you hear stories about it having all sorts of problems. :)


Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: Muncher666 on December 20, 2005, 03:59:48 pm
These guys are really on the ball, another release of the port has been released. It now fully supports voice and sound, and it is scaled down perfectly for the device and runs quite smoothly. Forgive me, but I thought people would be more excited about a handheld UQM. :)


Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: meep-eep on December 20, 2005, 05:35:38 pm
There has been a lot of interest in UQM on handhelds, but people seem to be mainly interested in having it on their particular handheld.

Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: Culture20 on December 21, 2005, 12:02:45 am
And technically it's not the first successful port to a handheld; someone ported UQM over to openEmbedded linux on an iPaq (like you, I wish I could say it was my doing, but my attempts kept getting segfaults).

Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: Muncher666 on December 21, 2005, 06:40:51 am
There has been a lot of interest in UQM on handhelds, but people seem to be mainly interested in having it on their particular handheld.

Fair point. GP2X is probably the cheapest handheld in it's feature range though, being about $220USish with a 1 gig memory card. And unlike the DS and PSP, it's actually designed for homebrew software.

And technically it's not the first successful port to a handheld; someone ported UQM over to openEmbedded linux on an iPaq (like you, I wish I could say it was my doing, but my attempts kept getting segfaults).

I stand corrected. Was the port any good? Did you have to play it with a stylus?


Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: Culture20 on December 22, 2005, 01:27:33 am
I never played it, but it was based on the SDL lib for the ipaq which made use of the buttons & joypad (I played doom for some time on my ipaq using the record-button as the fire button).

Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: Halleck on January 14, 2006, 06:08:57 pm
I'm surprised at the lukewarm reception as well, muncher.
Personally, I'm excited about this (and all other) UQM ports.

The more ways to spread UQM goodness, the better.  ;D

Also, thanks for informing us of this interesting handheld system (

Title: Re: GP2x port now available
Post by: lordcarl on January 14, 2006, 09:33:22 pm
i tried to get it working on my gpx2 but it just wont work ine gutterd