Title: New to Ur-Quan Masters Post by: Mikee on February 07, 2006, 12:25:22 am Hello,
I have been playing Star Control on the Genesis (and w/ a Sega Emulator) for a long time now, and I have recently discovered UQM. My problem is concerning the speed of the game. I have become very accustomed to the speed of the Genesis version, and this version runs like it's on crack! (I am only playing the Super Melee mode). Is there any way of slowing the game down a couple notches? It's just WAY to fast. I am running version 0.5 on XP. Thank You. Title: Re: New to Ur-Quan Masters Post by: Michael Martin on February 07, 2006, 03:07:59 am Heh. Ballistix overtaxed the Genesis's processor, IIRC. UQM tracks SC2, which tracks every other version of SC1.
That said, if you have devtools, hacking BATTLE_FRAME_RATE in element.h would probably work. Title: Re: New to Ur-Quan Masters Post by: Novus on February 07, 2006, 09:58:43 am UQM tracks SC2, which tracks every other version of SC1. Considering how the 8-bit conversions of SC1 run, I think it would be more accurate to say "tracks the Amiga and PC versions of SC1". |