Title: VolksWagon commercials Post by: Big O on February 27, 2006, 05:39:38 am Ever seen the VW commercials airing with the catchphrase : "Get to know your fast." ?
Watch them more closely next time! The "Fast" bears striking resemblance to the look and mental compulsion powers of a Dnyarri, a Talking Pet! Is there a connection...? Title: Re: VolksWagon commercials Post by: Turquoisey on February 27, 2006, 04:48:59 pm Holy crap! I thought I was the only one who thought that....
Title: Re: VolksWagon commercials Post by: StarBorn on February 27, 2006, 10:59:52 pm This one:
http://assets.cobaltnitra.com/teams/repository/b58/14b886888100481660003ba76d6c7/1/fastbig.jpg (http://assets.cobaltnitra.com/teams/repository/b58/14b886888100481660003ba76d6c7/1/fastbig.jpg) I see what you mean :) (Taken from this page: http://www.colonialvw.com/en_US/MiscPage_2.chtml (http://www.colonialvw.com/en_US/MiscPage_2.chtml)) Title: Re: VolksWagon commercials Post by: Death 999 on February 27, 2006, 11:00:25 pm The one with the cop saying "Keep that fast under control..." suggests it isn't quite so powerful.
And they lack any serious physical resemblance. Little mini-hands notwithstanding, exposed brains != black shine Mind control powers isn't exactly unique to SC2. Personally, it reminded me of the helmet that was part of a toy... well, I hesitate to call it a car, but it had four wheels... I had as a little kid (and, I suppose, still have). Title: Re: VolksWagon commercials Post by: Culture20 on March 04, 2006, 08:15:25 pm Death 999, that wouldn't be a Wheeled Warrior (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheeled_Warriors) toy would it?