Title: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: a on March 07, 2006, 05:12:01 pm The installation process includes the dynamic download of the game files, and, I assume, some registry entries. I need to install on a stand alone Windows XP PC (no internet connection). How can I do this? I already copied the game files over, including the ones in Documents and Settings.
Title: Re: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: Novus on March 07, 2006, 05:24:39 pm If you copied over the installation files, see the installation instructions (http://uqm.stack.nl/wiki/The_Ur-Quan_Masters_Technical_FAQ#How_do_I_install_the_game_on_Windows_without_an_internet_connection.3F).
If you didn't copy the installer (just the directories the game was installed to), you can try putting everything in the same place where the installer put it on the Internet-connected machine; unlike much Windows software, UQM can easily be installed manually without hacking the registry. The only problem I can see is that you may have to uninstall manually. Title: Re: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: a on March 07, 2006, 06:24:09 pm Thanks, but the instructions in the FAQ didn't work. At least not for uqm-0.5.0 (the instructions are for uqm-0.4.0). Even though I specify my D: drive as the source, it looks for the files on the internet and errors out.
I'll try just copying the files from a machine with a successful install, but are you sure there are no registry entries that have to be made? Title: Re: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: a on March 07, 2006, 06:43:00 pm It seems to work. Maybe the combination of running the install (even though it partially didn't work) and copying all the files did eveything it needs. I'm a little concerned that it may bomb out some time later, but for now I guess it's ok.
Title: Re: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: *Loner* on March 08, 2006, 06:15:16 am Yeah, doing that worked fine for me. My friend with a DSL connection downloaded it for me and just copied the directory on a CD....
Title: Re: Installation on a non-internet PC Post by: meep-eep on March 08, 2006, 06:55:21 am I've updated the instructions.