Title: Fedora 3 installation - Pakage dependencies Post by: Bachos on March 09, 2006, 05:53:33 pm I'm rather new to Fedora so please paint me a picture here
I have tried to install the packages UQM and UQM-Content from the fedora extra homepage- And here's my problem UQM needs UQM-content to install and UQM-content needs UQM to install So.. I can't install one without the other and neither will install That doesn't make sence does is ..? Am I doing something wrong..?? Please help,, :'( Title: Re: Fedora 3 installation - Pakage dependencies Post by: Novus on March 09, 2006, 06:58:22 pm Install both at once instead of one at a time. If you're using rpm directly, just specify both packages on the installation command line ("rpm -Uvh UQM.rpm UQM-content.rpm" or whatever).
Title: Re: Fedora 3 installation - Pakage dependencies Post by: Bachos on March 09, 2006, 07:29:31 pm THANK YOU OH MIGHTY GURU OF COMPUTER WISDOM :D
I've really missed this game since I abandoned Windows.. Title: Re: Fedora 3 installation - Pakage dependencies Post by: Novus on March 09, 2006, 07:56:32 pm THANK YOU OH MIGHTY GURU OF COMPUTER WISDOM :D Hey, no problem, man. You're welcome. ;D |