The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Chris on December 18, 2002, 07:27:01 pm

Title: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Chris on December 18, 2002, 07:27:01 pm
I downloaded this game, but somehow I dont feel it's the same game as the one I played many years ago.
The screen is similar, and all the ship names are the same.
But the one I played many years ago involves in dominating a certain star system,    build colony and fortification on each planet.  In the process of taking over a planet from the Urguan, I must fight them in a battle with Syreen, Earthling, etc and destroy their fortification,  rebuild the colony, and build my own fortification.  I remember it takes 2 ships to build fortification, and each side can only make 3 moves at one time moving from one planet to another.   Each side (human and Urguan) have a base star system.

Can anyone tell me if  it is a different version ?
Is it StarControl 1 ?  I missed that one.

Does anyone know if I can download this game from certain site ?   Will it work in Win98 Dos mode ?

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Willieboy on December 18, 2002, 07:50:48 pm
It's Star Control 1. It's been years since I played it, so I don't know about availability or whether it works on modern operating systems.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: OldShofixti on December 18, 2002, 08:02:42 pm
The game that you are thinking about is Star Control 1. This rerelase (The Ur-Quan Masters) is NOT the same game. It is a remake of its sequel -- Star Control 2 -- where you are in charge of forming alliances with aliens and saving the universe from Ur-Quan domination.

I haven't really played the full game of Star Control 1, but I totally love Star Control 2 and this remake. If you haven't played it before, you will be in for a treat.


Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: sun on December 18, 2002, 11:02:24 pm
Reading the OP's description of Star Conrol 1, I suddenly felt the urge to play again.  I couldn't get the game to play off the CD (SC collection CD) in Win2k (probably least compatible consumer windows OS unfortunately), however.  What did work smoothly was grabbing the old genesis rom of Star Control 1 off the net and playing that in an emulator.  So anyone who wants to play and can't get the original running might want to try that (before resorting to boot disks and the like ^^).  I wonder if there is a genesis emulator with network play like ZSNES.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: ErekLich on December 19, 2002, 12:08:46 am
What I'm actually hoping is that someone who can program better than I will make a new version of SC1, with far more options including the sc2 ships.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Nic. on December 19, 2002, 12:20:00 am
I have heard legends of a game called TACT, which is supposed to be a full-fledged clone of starcon, but upon investigation I can find no evidence that it even exists.  Sigh..

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Jimbo on December 19, 2002, 12:32:42 am
A quick shot on google reveals this bit of info from the Timewarp information page:

"In the interim, Team Beige member Reddish has been coding a program called TACT, which will be strategy/combat game similar to Starcontrol 1 with a rotating 3-Dimensional map. Tentatively, TACT is scheduled to be completed late September, although this may change."

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: sun on December 19, 2002, 12:32:49 am
TimeWarp already has all the ships, combat, and network play implemented.  Maybe they could add a SC1 type game to the mix.  Last time I tried playing it, though, I got really bothered by the continuous turning.  Its so sad not being able to kill ur-quan with an arilou by dodging between the firing arcs anymore. *cries*

Edit: lol, simultaneous post...glad someone doing TimeWarp is ahead of me. ^^

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Chris on December 19, 2002, 01:03:18 am disappointing.
I thought it was StarControl 1.  
Well, I don't know if I like SC2, but I will try.
But from its look, I think I'm going to like SC1 better because the game is more direct, simple.  I like the visual starmap and see every action I make and the enemy.

A dream that goes sky high....suddenly ruins to pieces ....LOLL

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Scott on December 19, 2002, 01:10:43 am
Well hey, maybe TFB will decide to release the source code for SC1 as well. ;D

..a guy can hope, right?

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: ErekLich on December 19, 2002, 01:55:03 am
Unfortunately the source for SC1 is lost...

and I know Timewarp exists, but I don't really like it.  They did a good job remaking the ships but I would vastly prefer a game that used the melee code from UQM to make the "SC2" SC1.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Chris on December 19, 2002, 02:07:23 am
It appears to have been crxxked too !!!

And you know what's beautiful ?
It even runs in WinXP in DOS Window with Win95 Compatibility !!!    With sound too !


It runs fine in XP in full-dos mode even without Compatibility Setting. Beautiful !

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Arrow on December 19, 2002, 04:35:24 am
I wonder if there is a genesis emulator with network play like ZSNES.

Gens (it has Kalliera for server support).

Even if you liked SC1 and have never played SC2, I think you'll enjoy SC2.  It may be a bit less direct, but it's not difficult at all to get the hang of.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: sun on December 19, 2002, 05:54:12 am
Neat, thanks for the tips.  Maybe I'll try both Gens and WinXP. ^^

Has anyone noticed the Ur-Quan fighters are smart enough to go around the planet in SC2 3DO but not in SC1?  I wonder if they did that in the PC version of SC2.  It really suprised me finding it while playing today, I always remember gleefully crashing the enemies poorly timed fighter launches (and shooting down any others ^^) but that might be all SC1 memories, heh.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Nic. on December 19, 2002, 07:55:19 am
Has anyone noticed the Ur-Quan fighters are smart enough to go around the planet in SC2 3DO but not in SC1?  I wonder if they did that in the PC version of SC2.

Oh, they sure did.  The Arilou Skiff went from "most underrated ship in the game" to "dogmeat" with that little "fix".  :)

My tactic in starcon used to be to hang out on the opposite side of the planet and watch the Dreadnought fighters smack into the planet, then when the Dreadnought was really low on crew, come out with guns blazing..  Made for a pretty bad time when they didn't do that anymore. ;)

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Nic. on December 19, 2002, 08:14:21 am
It appears to have been crxxked too !!!

And you know what's beautiful ?
It even runs in WinXP in DOS Window with Win95 Compatibility !!!    With sound too !

It has sound?  And that's a good thing?  If memory serves, the sound in the PC version of starcon was for the AdLib sound board, i.e., it was TERRIBLE.  Then again, I played the Genesis version first, so I got spoiled by the "War of the Worlds" sound effects when the Ur-Quan fired it's fusion blaster; but the cowbell sound when the losing ship explodes was really too much by anyone's standards..  :)

One of my favourite memories from my childhood was pooling up the money with my friends to buy Star Control (none of us could afford it on our own, you see), then hand-drawing copies of the "Professor Zorg's Translator Wheel" thingy so that we could all bring a copy home.  I think it was the only piece of software I ever legitimately purchased when I was a kid..

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Dave grr name typng Morse on December 19, 2002, 10:38:59 am

Oh, they sure did.  The Arilou Skiff went from "most underrated ship in the game" to "dogmeat" with that little "fix".  :)

Seems to me asteroids still kill em though.  Must have been trained in the same correspondance course used to educate Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Parker on December 19, 2002, 11:18:52 am

Seems to me asteroids still kill em though.  Must have been trained in the same correspondance course used to educate Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.

Haha, nice name ;)  You know you can register an account and then you won't ever have to type your name again.  (Plus you can edit your posts, send/recieve private messages)

Title: Re: Is this the same StarControl ???
Post by: Fwiffo really on December 19, 2002, 04:12:31 pm
I think that fighters will _try_ to avoid dying by hitting the planet but i'm pretty sure that occasionally they get wasted by it.

I think they can also be killed by collisions with other ships as well, scream through a cloud of fighters at high speed and i'm pretty sure some will croak.

Orz marines are much tougher.