Title: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: Nic. on December 18, 2002, 10:22:26 pm In the game, when you rescue the Umgah from the talking pet, they say they'll give you 1000 units of bio data, however they only actually give you 500 units. I looked, and the code says:
Code: GLOBAL_SIS (TotalBioMass) += 1000 / BIO_CREDIT_VALUE; I'm going to assume that BIO_CREDIT_VALUE is set to 2 (I'm on win32 right now, so no cscope for me) This looks like it's that way "on purpose" Is it? Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: Dutch on December 19, 2002, 12:54:28 am Every biological data unit you gather is worth 2 credits to the melnorme.
This might explain it? Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: Nic. on December 19, 2002, 12:56:01 am Right, but they explicitly state that they're giving you 1000 UNITS of bio data, which should be worth 2000 credits.
It's probably just another Umgah joke. Crazy blobbies.. :) Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: miri on December 19, 2002, 02:47:56 am I think it's a bug.
In the PC version they said "We hope five hundred units is sufficient" or something like that. Anyway I it was five hundred units in the old version for sure. Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: Nic. on December 19, 2002, 05:14:29 am The Pages of Now and Forever (http://www.classicgaming.com/starcontrol/sc2/quotes/umgah.txt) would appear to agree with you, and the dialog .oggs don't have a line in them that mentions a specific quantity at all.
Should have checked there first. Duh. No matter, it's fixed on my box.. :) Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: leen on January 11, 2003, 02:51:33 pm I have a related question if someone is kind enough to answer it... *how* do you rescue the Umgah from the talking pet? I have the Taalo shield activated, but I need something else, don't I? Otherwise the pet endlessly orders the Umgah to attack me.
Thanks muchly! Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: MOTYMEN on January 11, 2003, 03:04:59 pm if u read all the pet says when he orders 2 atack you is "commander gather your 10 ships..."
u only have to kill 10 umgah ships indeed very ard but if u try hard enoug u will prevail Title: Re: Umgah: Bug or feature? Post by: leen on January 11, 2003, 03:18:50 pm Ah ha, I was trying to be kind by not killing them all, at least not in one go. I'll be off to make some Umgah-goo now then. Thanks again!