Title: Starmap Post by: M3X6 on April 14, 2006, 07:26:34 pm How come so far, still no-one has implemented star cluster names on the map? If not at 1x (or 2x), then at least at 4x it should not clutter the map too much, but it will make life much easier. I know, I know, there maps one can download etc, I still think it'd be nicer if one could see the names in the game. It can hardly be an issue of "technical difficulties" so why not?
Title: Re: Starmap Post by: Halleck on April 14, 2006, 07:35:53 pm Try the search feature in 0.5.0. I think you hit slash (or backslash) and then type in the name of the cluster or star you want to find. Then you tab through the results.
Title: Re: Starmap Post by: M3X6 on April 15, 2006, 05:56:54 pm WOOHOO...I love you guys...no really...I DO.. ;D