Title: OS X "trying to clear a free semaphore" lockup Post by: Foo von Bar on December 19, 2002, 08:02:16 am Pardon what may be my cluelessness, but I haven't found a suggestion for this one in the bugs list or FAQs. I am running the current CVS codebase on Mac OS X 10.2 with SDL 1.2.5. The game will at various points (usually, it appears, when loading a new scene) lock up tight with the following messages:
WARNING: trying to clear a free semaphore (value=1) WARNING: SetSemaphore did not return 0, this could be bad! Any suggestions? Title: Re: OS X "trying to clear a free semaphore" lockup Post by: nemo on December 19, 2002, 10:58:54 am Don't suppose you're in debug mode and can post a stack trace? :)
Title: Re: OS X "trying to clear a free semaphore" lockup Post by: F.219 on December 19, 2002, 06:05:06 pm Sure, I'm in debug mode ... but no stack trace, since the program does not *crash* ... one of its threads just freezes up. I get a nice OS X *swirly ball*, too.
Looking in the code, I see SetSemaphore is chiefly (only?) used in the graphics code, so I wonder if this is an SDL problem? I'm using the SDL from Fink CVS, and no OpenGL. Title: Re: OS X "trying to clear a free semaphore" lockup Post by: Foo von Bar on December 19, 2002, 06:06:39 pm (Erm. Foo von Bar == F.219, sorry about that)