The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: OldShofixti on December 20, 2002, 12:19:52 am

Title: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: OldShofixti on December 20, 2002, 12:19:52 am
Hi all,

I stumbled across this project that looks similar in spirit to UQM:

I haven't played any of the Starflight games so I don't know how they are relative to the SC/UQM series. It does look like the creators of the Starflight games act as "consultants" to the Starflight 3 project, similar to how Fred & Paul oversee UQM.


Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to U
Post by: Arrow on December 20, 2002, 02:44:01 am
The only big difference between the two is that UQM is a remake while Star Flight 3 is a fan-made sequel... Star Flight 3 is more or less the "Timewarp" of the Star Flight universe.

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to U
Post by: Black Monk on December 20, 2002, 03:32:31 am
...except that the original programmers are involved with the SF3 project.

Between Starflight and Starflight 2, I enjoyed the first a bit more.

Imagine a slower-paced Star Control 2.  The ship-to-ship combat is not nearly as fun nor as fast.

I think a good way to look at it is take Star Control and Starflight.  Throw them together and you get Star Control 2.  That means the depth mainly would come from Starflight whereas the arcade combat would come from Star Control.

If you can get into it, I'd recommend giving Starflight a try.  It truly is a classic.  It's like several years (7?  10?) younger than SC2 so don't expect much in the way of graphics or sound.  Still, it does what it does pretty well.

I'm honestly more interested in someone remaking Starflight than I am in a sequel.

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to U
Post by: Diogenes' Dog on December 20, 2002, 10:28:01 am
I'm pretty sure that the creators of the original Starflight aren't doing much in the way of real work - they're just consultants.  Still, though, I have confidence that it will turn out to be a great game.  I sorta-kinda know one of the programmers, and I have faith in his skill and love for the project.  He's the goods.

In the meantime, check out  if you want something similar to what UQM is.  It's basically just a remake of the original Starflight with updated graphics and sound.


Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to U
Post by: Black Monk on December 21, 2002, 01:44:18 am
Ahhh... I wish him luck, then!  That's what I'm wantin'.  :D

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Angelfish on September 17, 2009, 04:35:25 pm
both sites are dead :'(

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Data on September 17, 2009, 06:54:34 pm
Try that site, it took me a quick google to find it, even though I never played Starflight, and haven't even heard of the game....
Also, last post in this topic IS form 2002. Just noticing...

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Megagun on September 19, 2009, 05:44:36 pm
Well, you know what they say...
"Every time you apply thread necromancy, a Spathi dies"

I feel sorry for the unlucky Spathi that had to die from this. :(

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Angelfish on September 21, 2009, 05:44:10 pm
Well, you know what they say...
"Every time you apply thread necromancy, a Spathi dies"

I feel sorry for the unlucky Spathi that had to die from this. :(

I don't.
Besides, I'd like undead Spathi, perhaps they'd finally grow a spine ;).

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Death 999 on September 21, 2009, 09:37:52 pm
Maybe if they were 'popped again' / 'decrypted', they'd gain a new broader perspective. (for those who don't read erfworld, it starts at

Title: Re: Some project that looks similar in spirit to UQM
Post by: Angelfish on September 22, 2009, 06:54:09 pm
Maybe if they were 'popped again' / 'decrypted', they'd gain a new broader perspective. (for those who don't read erfworld, it starts at

Thanks for directing me to that comic! At first I didn't understand much of it, because it drops you right into the action with strange word-useage etc, but it's really great once you get into it! It also depicts quite well how characters would act if they lived in a game world where real life rules don't apply. Anyone who is into turn-based strategy games should definitely read it :).

I'll be off now to create an army of uncrooked spathi ;).