The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Will Minsinger on December 20, 2002, 05:48:41 am

Title: Bug when visiting Zot-Fot-Pik
Post by: Will Minsinger on December 20, 2002, 05:48:41 am
Okay, first I want to say thank you to the Ur-Quan Masters team for working on this excellent game.  My life is now going down the drain again due to the hours spent on this game  ;).

Anyway, I have a possibale bug to report (I didn't see this on the bug list, so I think's new).  When visiting the Zot-Fot-Pik home system (Alpha Tucanae, I believe), the graphics start to "paint".  That is, when you move your ship it leaves a trail of ship images across the screen (if other vessels are in the system they do the same).  The menu bar on the side also dissapears.  The game slows way down.  It only happens when I visit Alpha Tucanae, never so far in any other system.  Any solutions?  I am running the latest version (I think), on XP Pro.

Also, this isn't part of the same question, but is there anyway to get the game to display in full screen?  I have it in window right now, it actually looks quite good but full screen would be better!

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Bug when visiting Zot-Fot-Pik
Post by: ErekLich on December 20, 2002, 10:48:07 pm
This bug has been fixed in the CVS code.