Title: default key config Post by: varghesephilip on August 07, 2006, 04:56:07 pm Running PCLinuxOS-092
When the game is started in Konsole I get the following error [sasha@localhost ~]$ /usr/local/games/bin/uqm --configdir=/home/sasha/tmp/ The Ur-Quan Masters v0.5.0 (compiled Aug 7 2006 06:52:23) This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the included 'COPYING' file. Initializing base SDL functionality. Using SDL version 1.2.11 (compiled with 1.2.11) Using config dir '/home/sasha/tmp/' Using '/usr/local/games/share/uqm/content' as base content dir. Saved games are kept in /home/sasha/tmp/save/. Initializing Pure-SDL graphics. SDL driver used: x11 SDL initialized. Initializing Screen. Set the resolution to: 640x480x16 Screen scalers are using SSE/MMX-Ext/MMX code 1 joysticks were found. The names of the joysticks are: DragonRise Inc. DragonRise USB Gamepad Error: Could not copy default key config to user config dir: No such file or directory. Please Help Thankyou. Title: Re: default key config Post by: meep-eep on August 07, 2006, 05:59:27 pm It sounds like you miss the content package.
Did you compile the game yourself? Title: Re: default key config Post by: varghesephilip on August 08, 2006, 10:29:35 am Yes !! Title: Re: default key config Post by: meep-eep on August 08, 2006, 01:47:12 pm "Yes" as in you compiled the game yourself?
Look at doc/users/unixinstall, in particular step 2. Did you do exactly as it says there? Title: Re: default key config Post by: varghesephilip on August 08, 2006, 04:33:11 pm Thankyou "Meep-eep"
The problem is solved I did ./build.sh uqm config ./build.sh uqm depend also made small change in the "config_unix.h" file at line 14 it read " #define CONTENTDIR "@CONTENTDIR@" I changed it to #define CONTENTDIR "CONTENTDIR" also created "packages" dir in the content folder and placed the "uqm-0.5.0-content.uqm" in there. now everything works Thankyou once again. |